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for Guardian Blue - Sheepless in New Reynard

6/12/2021 c8 8Colonel Arbuckle
Amazing story! Can't wait to read more!
3/25/2020 c8 3Medic 27
still a thing?
3/25/2020 c8 Medic 27
Wait! Unless I completely missed something, the pawprint and fur was never explained? Also are Honey and Big Bad
3/25/2020 c7 Medic 27
Ha I Called It!
3/25/2020 c6 Medic 27
The first six words huh? I know where that subplot leads.
Although at this point, I wouldn't be happy with anything less.

Yeah I saw that coming. I'm going to go ahead and say that that revelation has a more intimate meaning to Honey too?
I tried not to give out spoilers.
4/25/2019 c8 2Furbearinvarmint
You've done great things with the Guardian Blue stories...are you going to finish #3?

Nice you like the characters, we can tell.
3/25/2019 c8 HighGSplat
Love the atmosphere and characters! I hope to see you soon. Take care.
2/16/2019 c7 1DetectiveWilde
I always look forward to when you release new stuff. I consider your stories to be some of the best in the Fandom, and I definitely have studied how you write dialog and expand scenes and plan out your story as I've written my own. If you ever get around and have time, I'd love for you to take a look at it! It's definitely based around older, harsher movies and stories, like silence of the lambs and seven!

I can't wait for more!
2/16/2019 c8 28Cimar of Turalis WildeHopps
A fantastic way to end this story and it really tied up all the loose ends. That and really pushed all the characters forward in their development. Great work on this and I absolutely enjoyed reaind this. Thank you again for writing this! :)
2/11/2019 c8 InTheLionsDenOnDA
Nice. Glad to see Sharla's story getting some solutions and resolutions. Those foxes do take their gettings seriously. Thank you for another entertaining side story.
2/9/2019 c8 1pinheadh78
Great update and glad to see all the characters get some form of closure. Congratulations on completing a well written story. But as others noted it does leave the cliff-hanger from the previous chapter unresolved. Glad to see the updates and looking forwards to reading the next story update.
2/9/2019 c8 seakard
Nice to see Sharla growing up. I know WAY too many from oilfield days that could take a Lesson from your stories. Unfortunately, several have passed on, others I lost all contact with. Enjoyable chapter, as I've come to expect.
2/9/2019 c8 Guest
jaa lecciones para recordar
2/9/2019 c8 Bloodfox22
I think you skipped a chapter there because there's nothing to say who else was at the hideout with them to leave the wolf prints what was the fallout from that encounter if there even was one.
2/8/2019 c8 carick of hunter moon
it good story, enjoyable to guess ahead, but the story jumps between chapter 7 and 8 from the cottage in the woods "long black hair" and a sense of tension, bit of the story is missing, to chapter 8 back at school, story time and the getting... what happen between at best told in a letter back flash back the story need this told in full chapter 7.5? is it just me but
thank you for all your hard work and for the enjoyment you stories have give me all the best
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