12/30/2022 c1
9John Smith
Great little one shot. I love the way you approach relationships and always focus on rebuilding, fixing, healing. It's one of my favorite themes and really attracts me to your stories. Overall, great job on this, from the writing style to the characterization. Thanks for writing this!

Great little one shot. I love the way you approach relationships and always focus on rebuilding, fixing, healing. It's one of my favorite themes and really attracts me to your stories. Overall, great job on this, from the writing style to the characterization. Thanks for writing this!
12/31/2020 c1 Guest
You, dear fellow writer, have a gift I truly admire and a lesser part of my soul envies. You can communicate emotion through the written word that reaches out and touches the reader. This was a small work, but I've read some of your other stories, and they're great.
Keep up the amazing work. You've have great skill.
You, dear fellow writer, have a gift I truly admire and a lesser part of my soul envies. You can communicate emotion through the written word that reaches out and touches the reader. This was a small work, but I've read some of your other stories, and they're great.
Keep up the amazing work. You've have great skill.
6/8/2018 c1
I thought your writing was going to be awesome after reading the beautiful review you left me, and I was not disappointed!
I was really, really impressed with the style of your writing! The details are woven in so well! You somehow manage to make me feel the icy weather, Dick's nerves, the horror of how aloof and hurt Tim is, and all of that without bogging the story down! I just thought the descriptions were amazing, as was your communication of the character's feelings to the readers. Everything flows together so well that it just sucks you right in and it's a pleasure to read!
There were a few little specific bits that I loved! Like when Tim is called "the addressed person" after Dick says his name... that was a nice little tricky way to avoid saying someone's name over and over again in the story, but it also was cool because it just made me feel like Dick was calling Tim's name, trying to reach him, but Tim is hardly responding because he's not really there, he's not really himself just the addressed person standing there in Tim's place. Maybe that's reading into it a bit much, but I thought that was really cool. :)
I also really liked the description of Dick and Tim leaving the house because it seemed so symbolic of Tim trying to move through his grief and leave it behind! Because with his grief and with his leaving the house, he needs Dick's help in order to do so, and because the journey is cold and painful.
The ending was great. Those last three lines, separated from larger paragraphs, hit really hard.
I just really felt like I was experiencing this all with the characters. Definitely going to read more of your stuff. Great job! )

I thought your writing was going to be awesome after reading the beautiful review you left me, and I was not disappointed!
I was really, really impressed with the style of your writing! The details are woven in so well! You somehow manage to make me feel the icy weather, Dick's nerves, the horror of how aloof and hurt Tim is, and all of that without bogging the story down! I just thought the descriptions were amazing, as was your communication of the character's feelings to the readers. Everything flows together so well that it just sucks you right in and it's a pleasure to read!
There were a few little specific bits that I loved! Like when Tim is called "the addressed person" after Dick says his name... that was a nice little tricky way to avoid saying someone's name over and over again in the story, but it also was cool because it just made me feel like Dick was calling Tim's name, trying to reach him, but Tim is hardly responding because he's not really there, he's not really himself just the addressed person standing there in Tim's place. Maybe that's reading into it a bit much, but I thought that was really cool. :)
I also really liked the description of Dick and Tim leaving the house because it seemed so symbolic of Tim trying to move through his grief and leave it behind! Because with his grief and with his leaving the house, he needs Dick's help in order to do so, and because the journey is cold and painful.
The ending was great. Those last three lines, separated from larger paragraphs, hit really hard.
I just really felt like I was experiencing this all with the characters. Definitely going to read more of your stuff. Great job! )
5/27/2018 c1
That was a really lovely one-shot. I'm surprised this has no reviews. Tim is an amazing character and he deserves to get a bit more love!

That was a really lovely one-shot. I'm surprised this has no reviews. Tim is an amazing character and he deserves to get a bit more love!