Just In
for Dungeons and Declarations

12/27/2021 c2 kimjo2
SHENNY STILL LIVES! Thanks so much
11/22/2021 c2 611Ghostwriter
Love this one. Well done.
3/14/2021 c2 38Marjorie Nescio
Of course Raj would be the one to have expected it. Nice story.
7/30/2020 c2 Druto
Great story bro
7/30/2020 c1 Druto
2/27/2019 c2 together33x3
Loved it!
2/25/2019 c2 1DiegoARL38
it's good to see you writing more on this storyline. Hopefully, we'll read more from you in the not so distant future.
2/25/2019 c2 1Mischief101
I love Shenny but it's so hard to find new ones now. Thank you for sharing this
2/1/2019 c1 13Fairedenale
Beautifully written hun. I love the story and the concept of their teamed-up avatars leading to this. Great job. Love ya!
11/23/2018 c1 9SilverWolf338
Awwww! So cute! Amazing work!
11/19/2018 c1 kimjo2
Love it! Thanks
5/22/2018 c1 1jose uzumaki
Fue una grata sorpresa leer este fanfics :D me encantó
3/22/2018 c1 Aussie SciFi Tragic
Nice, very nice. They are so suited to each other.
3/21/2018 c1 26BreathlessFaith
Wonderful story. I could see this happening for them. Caught in the middle of a fierce battle
Sheldon tells Penny he loves. Hope to read more from you soon
3/18/2018 c1 Daedaleopsis
Aww... this definitely made my day!
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