Just In
for Tattoos (A percabeth fanfiction)

4/8/2021 c1 Bookworm
Good story! But you know what would have made it even better? If Percy had gotten the owl, and Annabeth a trident that was a bit more detailed than Percy's.
4/23/2018 c1 Guest
I just read some of your fanfiction, it's really good don't stop
4/6/2018 c1 CrazyLich79
That was good
3/29/2018 c1 9DontLetGoCaptainCanary
That was awesome!
3/22/2018 c1 Filipina04
Love it! So cute! But I have just one question. What was Percy’s first tattoo?
3/21/2018 c1 2merendinoemiliano
Awesome and work.

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