Just In
for Growing Pains

10/26/2020 c13 ReadingRainbow7
I’m trying to catch up to where you’ve stopped but I just needed to leave a review.

I’m in love with how aware and mature your characters are. And with your commitment to telling the Native American story that empowers them. I could keep writing more but I’m gonna get back to reading.
10/26/2020 c19 10teeniewizard
Poor baby! I love alana and pauls friendshop sm!
10/13/2020 c18 Belle
My heart was breaking during this chapter because I know this stuff happens in real life :( but anyways... Jake's gonna be pissed LOL
10/13/2020 c18 BeccaSco
LOOOOOOOVE this story! And also you seem like an amazing person. I was so very happy to see your AU on chapter 14 supporting BLM and also your au to ch18 for the criticism of Columbus day in the states. Much love!
10/13/2020 c18 Cotton Blossom Diva
This story is so wonderfully put together! I adore how mature, loving and melded you've written the wolf pack. Paul is also represented fairly for once, although he's a complicated character he's true, faithful, and good. I love his relationship with the tribe on a whole and Ally and Jake in specific. He makes for an excellent second in command and it's amazing how in sync they are able to be considering their pasts. The way he tore into the Cullens, really the both of them; was magnificent! It's about time their selfishness is presented to them. I honestly can't believe the continued entitlement! I feel like you've done such a service to the characters by delving into the truth of the Quileute legends and that of other indigenous tribes. I also appreciate how you've taken the time to touch on everyone's backstory. This is a great story and I really enjoy reading it! To address the most add...I really feel like the text is from the Cullens. It makes sense in that they would try to endear themselves to her or make her feel indebted to them in order to get their way with Jake through her. They're just lingering around like a bad smell in order to manipulate the situation to their best interests. Now that I've gotten older I can truly recognize how toxic those people are. I find myself grossly exhausted with how greedy and self serving they are. They've had hundreds of years to perfect their ability to move people around like chess pieces but it never gets less disgusting to witness.I hope I'm wrong because I'm not enthused about a future of seeing them sabotage Jake and Ally's bond but this route seems to make the most sense. Who else would be able to track her number and knows her history enough to know that would be a point of interest to her? Who would able to find that info and also know where Ally is currently? Who else would "waste' the time to research the info and than dangle the carrot over her head? We know what they want but the question is, if this scenario is true will Ally put her family and tribe ahead of herself as she should? I find myself gettingbupswt with Ally already! I mean, she's so stubborn...and fighting Jake over this one thing and going behind his back is so pointless. Getting your answers the safe way is better than putting yourself at risk. Jake is Alpha and if you go down the whole tribe and pack is at a disadvantage. She's acting as though she wants to end up like her mom...never heard from again. The Cullens were humiliated and are angry with numerous resources at their fingertips. Furthermore they know who you are and how to get to you. I'm praying that the saving grace will be Paul's nosy behind seeing the text exchange and following her. In any event, I'm done ranting! Thanks for the add!
10/12/2020 c18 teeniewizard
i love this story sm
10/7/2020 c17 Belle
Omg so happy you updated! I'm so excited for what's to come. LOL I'm so happy Jake finally told her.
10/7/2020 c17 Nhiina
You are back! Great! I enjoyed the chapter and can't wait for the next update.
10/6/2020 c17 seraphina987
Thanks for the update
10/6/2020 c17 FallenSkye24
oh shit...
10/5/2020 c15 1Generic.Blob
That I think is one of if not the best explanations of imprinting I’ve seen anyone deliver. Fantastic.

I’ve grown up a lot since I read Twilight but I do always like coming back to this old fandom every now and then because there are some truely awesome writers who really give the wolves a better story then the original source material.

I am also loving (more then I realised I would) the realness you’re bringing to the story - like the actual legends of the Quileute and some of the more grounded realities of general life.
9/8/2020 c15 Mikita
Great chapter! I am eagerly awaiting the next one! ;)
8/15/2020 c15 LizzyBeWe
I'd definetely love to read 100% of your ideas!
7/24/2020 c1 lilalila2000
Can’t wait for the next chapter:)
7/24/2020 c15 lilalila2000
Can’t wait for the next chapter:)
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