Just In
for Growing Pains

7/24/2020 c15 litlecruz
Well...I would love to read the rest of it...please author-chan.
7/14/2020 c15 2wvcountrygal88
That was ... AMAZING! I could feel the raw emotions as if I was Alana myself. Please do write the complete if you feel it belongs in the story.
7/14/2020 c2 4UnknownReaderHasJoined
Great so far! I’m crying a lil again cause so far I keep finding only y’all Oc’s. No average or shorter. (I’m short af, so hoping to find representation to no luck lately)
Yea it’s dumb how stupid jakes character is in a lot of these fics. Ignoring imprint for Bella? Idiot.
7/13/2020 c15 2Zstar1
I missed this story so much and I absolutely love the new chapters! AHHHHHH YES WATCH THAT SHIP SAIL! I am ecstatic and I cannot wait to see what you do next!
7/11/2020 c15 Belle
OMG HE FINALLY TOLD HER. This was so cute! Totally expected Alana to be super understanding. LOL if she didn't run away when she found out they're wolves, she probably wasn't going to run when she found out her and Jake are soulmates hahaha.
7/11/2020 c15 FallenSkye24
I'd love to read whatever u have planned for next,
7/11/2020 c15 Arianna Le Fay
they had sex ? was it their first time ?
7/11/2020 c15 6xtremediva13
You are such a tease! I have been anticipating this moment for a long time! You better write it! Lol anyways loved the chapter can't wait for more!
7/11/2020 c15 KamAnDa
May we have the complete?! I neeeed it
7/10/2020 c15 Guestdod
Write everything please ;)
7/1/2020 c14 2AroVolturi
Still here! My sincerest condolences on the loss of your grandparents
6/29/2020 c14 28hyacinthed
Glad to see that you're still updating! Have thoroughly enjoyed the fic so far. I'm really glad to see the recent movement to critique SMeyer & her colonialist representations of the Quileutes, and I think your attempts to represent their legends more accurately is respectful and a welcome alteration to canon. Looking forward to reading more
6/25/2020 c14 4Huntress of the sky
I love this story, it's a really interesting take on the legends and I love older Jacob!
6/13/2020 c14 Belle
Omg so glad that you're back. But also glad that you took time off for yourself! Missed this story and I can't wait to see what you do with it (:
6/11/2020 c14 Rose099
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