Just In
for Understanding the Void

11/17/2024 c12 PrimordialNyx
Shirone somehow made "I'll just snuggle you instead" sound threatening and i LOVE it XD
5/20/2024 c9 10Atlas8
Ah, yes. Ajuka in this story is a charming man who can woo a lady and is thinking about his newfound relationship.

Grayfia has her primary sin as Lust and is not that cold for a so called Ice Queen.

And then you read that this world isn't AU. Mind boggling stuff right there.

(I'm just joking around. I don't mean any offence by this, Author. I know this is your first work and has flaws. Still a pretty okay read. Much better than many other first attempts at writing.)
5/20/2024 c9 Atlas8
Lol, I don't think you understood what AU actually means. This DxD world you've created is 100% AU. Millicas was born much earlier than in canon. It's a very clear crossover with Fate series, what with Realiry Marbles being even a thing in this Definitely an AU, even if the canon events start happening exactly as they did in the DxD, which they obviously won't coz butterflies.
10/15/2023 c11 HellsMaji
"Gordius Wheel can top four hundred kilometers an hour, or seven kilometers a second. The speed of sound is almost three kilometers a second..."

Umm.. I know this is old, but that math is waay off. 400kph is just over a quarter of the speed of sound. And 3 kilometers a second is about 7-8 times the speed of sound.
1/14/2023 c10 primalparadox
LOL Rias' reaction to his visit is pure gold :D
1/14/2023 c2 primalparadox
Umm that last bit was gibberish. AlsoThe Brothers Grimm quote was nonsense. I get that's basically what you were going for but if you were aiming for a bit of meaning in obscurity I believe you missed.

Also you probably realise this but if someone isn't familiar with Fate then this whole chapter is worse than nonsense, you may wish to add an authors note at the start at least mentioning the series so those interested can familiarise themselves with it in order to read this.
1/7/2023 c25 Jackson
Hope you continue this
10/16/2022 c4 Dude
I read the author's notes before reading chapter 4 and all I can say is...HOLY SHIT! Thanks for the explanation it did clear something's up for me but Jesus that's some serious power and equations. Also really loving the story so far!
9/12/2022 c14 2Stone Elbow
Quoting your story:
"In order for something to be considered 'black', every light in the spectrum has to bounce off of it and into your eyes."

This is incorrect. Light does not bounce off an object that is truly black. What you are describing, "every light in the spectrum has to bounce off of it and into your eyes", is WHITE.

Quote: "Contrary to popular belief, black holes aren't really black."

This is sort of true, but not for the reasons you describe. A black hole is visible because of the objects orbiting its event horizon and/or spiraling into it. Anything OUTSIDE of its event horizon is capable of giving off light that can escape and thus, be seen. Since stuff orbiting a black hole tends to do so at high speed and get violently destroyed in so doing, an active black hole does cause effects which are highly visible. That said, the black hole itself, the event horizon, is truly black.
9/11/2022 c25 NimbusIzayoi
So, I know this was dropped, but if I ask you to update it will you?
9/4/2022 c4 gabedane
I don't know if this will be updated, but I am having a GREAT time right now that I know a good bit about the fate series.
7/23/2022 c3 1Diametrik
This is so confusing... why are you using the Fate magic system when he is in the dxd-verse? I don't know much about the Fate system to begin with, which already makes it confusing, but from your description so far it doesn't seem to be being used in a way that is compatible with the dxd-verse's systems of magic. That part where he was using Naruto-verse chakra made it even worse, considering dxd already has its own system for chakra.
6/19/2022 c25 PrinceWeirdo
I have just finish this ff, and... Hurm, its quite interesting. The fanfic is very well done in info dump. I respect that.

Great story, you really outdone yourself in your concept, your way of interpretation of FATE and all those jumbo.. Quite disturbing, bordering insanity but good. Creepy for people who don't have open mind that "This is fictional.".

I don't have any complain or anything, it's quite good. I love Gil interlude, that's quite.. Hurm..

Anyway, good job. Pity that it went hiatus..
5/17/2022 c4 soupking
The summary is kinda misleading. I was expecting some eldirich horror or something void related but the amount of Fate concepts included should have warranted a crossover tag.
5/17/2022 c1 soupking
"hope no car blindsides me when I cross the street"

Proceeds to slip off a bridge, crash into a frozen river to slowly drown.

My guy, I'd take Truck-kun any day of the week instead of drowning in freezing water
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