Just In
for Genesis

11/21/2022 c18 9John Smith
Ohhhh nooooooo it is unfinished! Ah well, this was a GREAT chapter. The part where Bruce pulls back after losing his temper and becomes so human with Tim... it is perfect. Still so in character and yet so meaningful. Ugh, I love those little moments so much. I'm sad that I'll most likely never know the ending to this, but it was still such a joy to read. I'm so glad you put this out into the world and gave it a chance! If you ever happen to meander over to reading your notifications on this site, feel free to message me spoilers for how you planned it to go in the end! I am more than happy to fangirl over those as well. :) You are an excellent writer, and it shows throughout every piece of this story. Thank you so much for writing this!
11/21/2022 c17 John Smith
Wow, that was intense. I am still in shock over how well that played out. What a great way to explain what happened. And all of this is happening in Tim's mind - is he still at the warehouse with Bruce? Or is this taking more time and Bruce has gotten him home? You did a phenomenal job of weaving this story together beautifully. I love the description of Tim losing his mind on the toxin, but especially the way he's slowly losing his memory on it as well. And also it was so obvious but so subtle: the experimental toxins, the ones that are unpredictable and can do anything? You had it there all along, right in our faces. This story really does live up to its mystery genre. What an awesome chapter, I'm so impressed!
11/21/2022 c16 John Smith
Oh no! Poor Tim, was that a panic attack or something more? Ah, I loved this chapter, seeing him with Batman was very sweet. My favorite part was when Bruce immediately protected him from the jack-in-the-box. I also love how Tim picked up on how Batman acts so robotically shallow but clearly has deep feelings and cares underneath. Ugh I just love it. I love how you write these characters so much!
11/21/2022 c15 John Smith
AHHHH This chapter was SO GOOD! I knew IMMEDIATELY that it was Jason as soon as he spoke, LOL. You captured his character with such insane perfection. I am honestly impressed. And that ending! That ending! Finally! Bruce feigns apathy so well, TOO WELL to his sons. Bah I love this story so much. Great job!
11/21/2022 c14 John Smith
Aww poor Tim. That ending left my heart so sad. I can't wait to see a reunion between him and Bruce, and I hope it's really good when it does come. This story isn't marked as complete, and I'm getting nervous that when I get to chapter 18 I'll find out that it's abandoned. If so, no worries. It will definitely have been worth the ride! I really enjoyed this chapter. At first I was slightly disappointed that Dick is allowing Tim to perpetuate this solitary lifestyle away from his family, but the more you wrote, the more I could see why that choice made sense. And yes, it really is like Tim to be like that. Dick knows his brother well. Great chapter!
11/21/2022 c13 John Smith
I am definitely sticking this out with you. I'm SO HAPPY it happened this way. It's so common for amnesia stories to have the character remember all at once with the reveal (mentioned this in my last review), and while that's cool and all, it kind of takes away the drama of everyone's reactions to finding out that the character had amnesia! That's a whole insane awesome lot of drama! Speaking of which, Dick took it... very calmly, all things considered, lol. I was kind of surprised by that! Great chapter, very heartfelt, and I can't wait to read more!
11/21/2022 c12 John Smith
Wow, Tim Drake, always figuring out Batman and Bruce Wayne. I was really hoping that Tim would be found and spoken to before regaining his memories. For some reason, that concept appeals to me more than the big-moment-he-suddenly-remembers-everything-right-when-the-reveal-happens. Either way you choose to do it, it's going to be good! This chapter was excellent. The idea that Batman went back only to find Tim missing is breaking my heart. I really can't wait to see what happens next.
11/21/2022 c11 John Smith
OH MAN this chapter was SO GOOD! I'm so impressed by your insanely clever way of getting a staff into Tim's hands. I can't even leave a long comment because I just want to get to the next chapter!
11/21/2022 c10 John Smith
Woooaahhh this is getting so good! I didn't expect things to be coming to any kind of head at this point in the story, but it looks like that might just be happening. I can't wait to see what happens next. Excellent job on this - I'm surprised Tim didn't conclude "Nightwing just figured out who I am," but even Tim Drake is allowed a few moments where he's too shocked and left out to pick up on an obvious clue. This story is so well done that I can't stop thinking about it in between chapters!
11/21/2022 c9 John Smith
This was yet another beautiful chapter. I loved how you wrote Stephanie, and doubly how you wrote Tim's interpretation of her. He has her pegged so well, and he has no idea that he does! It's perfect LOL. Nightwing at the end is such a sad picture. I like that Damian is off with Teen Titans, clearly he's not the Robin that Batman needs in this situation, which kind of goes back to what I said in an earlier comment. I guess I was closer than I realized. Sad but... honestly, totally on point, in my opinion. Tim is a light in the darkness in so many ways. For Bruce to lose him, I don't know how he'd pull himself out of it. It's a shame but makes perfect sense that he'd struggle. I love the way you write all these relationships so much. Now I wonder what will happen when Batman does finally meet Tim. Also, does Tim have a 'board' of all his evidence he was collecting in the beginning? If one of them happened upon that, it would look very suspect. I can't wait to read more! Great chapter!
11/21/2022 c8 John Smith
UUUGGHHHH I'm in love with this camaraderie. Of COURSE it would be Nightwing buddying up with an unknown like they've been friends forever. Tim's mental commentary on him is just delightful (especially the brick wall assessment he made). Gosh, this is adorable. Maybe my favorite chapter so far. Great job!
11/21/2022 c7 John Smith
Oh I LOVE all your research and nods toward canon and the maps of Gotham. It makes me super super happy. I am a fan of honoring canon when I write, and though I deviate at times, I want that deviation to be deliberate every time. This chapter gave me warm feelings, especially in the end. I can just imagine Nightwing's curiosity, and I'm so glad he was there to catch Tim in action again! This is so fun.
11/21/2022 c6 John Smith
Poor Damian. At first it didn't seem like him, but... it makes me really sad to see Batman falling into this dark place again. It also sort of makes a case for the idea that Batman doesn't need a Robin, he needs a Tim. Am I right? I'll see myself out...

Great job setting up why Tim might need to take a step back from his plan to see Batman. Maybe he'll focus on the Wayne family instead, though I can see why he'd be very hesitant to do that as well. Also I love Tim deciding he's a hero! Go Tim!
11/21/2022 c5 John Smith
AAHHH I loved this chapter so much! Tim is a hero at heart, SO much a hero at heart. You did SUCH an excellent job showing his reasoning and how he achieved this without extending his (still mostly unknown) skills. Just a top notch chapter, everything about it. I love how all of this came from a desire to see Batman, too. It's almost poetic.
11/21/2022 c4 John Smith
Oh man I was sitting here like a dipstick trying to figure out who wears plain white masks with empty eye holes like that... turning it over in my mind repeatedly. When you said it in the note at the end, all I could think was "DUH, IDIOT" to myself. LOL. Awesome chapter with just enough excitement to keep things moving but not enough to shove the story ahead of itself. I'm so hooked on reading this that my very long to-do list is at a standstill right now, oops...
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