Just In
for Perks of Being the Hokage

4/14/2020 c5 DainBramagedMoFo
It's wonderful that the beauties receive the Naruto lovin. Tenten, Shizune, Anko, Kurenai, Mei Terumī, Kurotsuchi, Guren(she was suspended in crystal absorbed like all other life in chakra tree then brought back to life like all others), Samui, Karin Uzumaki, Ayame, Shion, Sāra, I'm sure that my bad brain doesn't recall all girls needing Naruto to prevent their wasting away. Beauties without MC lovin wilt, dry up, and die. Thanks, be well, stay safe, and God's speed.
4/14/2020 c16 Goat Goebbels
It's alive!
4/14/2020 c16 TheOnlyKing
Great chapter, I love your other fics but an update on this every once in a while is awesome too
4/14/2020 c16 Scandalf
Finally! Although I'm a fan of all your fics, I kinda missed this one because it's been so long since the last update. Great chapter btw.
4/14/2020 c4 DainBramagedMoFo
So that's how things get turned around. All his family must practice the eternal youth once they get above certain ages from now on. Thanks, be well, stay safe, and God's speed.
4/14/2020 c3 DainBramagedMoFo
Interesting use of characters.

Thanks, be well, stay safe, and God's speed.
4/14/2020 c16 SpudyPotato
Great POV work
4/14/2020 c9 This-Mickey-Seems-Iffy
Danzo is most definitely is not a fascist, first of all, its a modern political philosophy which does not exist in the naruto world. But I guess these days retards throw around different words left and right everywhere without even knowing their meaning.

4/14/2020 c16 SS5 Connor
Marvelous work. I have some questions. I'm sure you dont like to give a measurement and I'm sure someone has already asked, but how big is naruto? Will the clones get any action? Will anal play into this story?
4/14/2020 c2 DainBramagedMoFo
I'm reading. Thanks, be well, stay safe, and God's speed.
4/14/2020 c16 TheKing91
Good to see that you got rid of your block. It was an awesome chapter. I hope you'll keep your word about Koyuki from Spring country. It would be great if you could focus on this story and Dark Discoveries. I'm looking forward to your next update.
4/14/2020 c1 DainBramagedMoFo
Oh my, what a pure maiden she was.

Thanks, be well, stay safe, God's speed.
4/14/2020 c16 demon87
super history
4/14/2020 c16 Primarx
really glad u updated this story. hope u'll concentrate on it for a while
4/14/2020 c16 red1997
Great chapter. Please update this story as I can't wait to see what Naruto does next ;)

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