Just In
for Perks of Being the Hokage

4/5/2022 c9 1OoOXylionOoO
Very nice so far :)
3/11/2022 c18 Guest
Will you ever upload the next chapters for this, if there are any?
2/14/2022 c4 KingConner
Thanks 4 chapter
2/14/2022 c1 KingConner
Thanks 4 the chapter
2/5/2022 c18 banshee157
update awaited...
12/30/2021 c18 Guest
Hey buddy I fucking love your work. I have read various naruto lemons but yours is hands down the best. I just love how you make naruto use his minds around Ino and sakura while bossing tsunade. Please continue your works, I would love to read on. Is there any way I can get a reply from you stating if you will continue this story or not? I just do not want to leave this story at this point.
12/30/2021 c1 Guest
7/24/2021 c6 1Am I insane
Yes it makes perfectly sense for naruto to hide incase enemy ninja find them and kill them. It's not like temari isn't near kage level and that naruto isn't a god. Either way it's funny
7/21/2021 c18 Guest
When is this one coming back? It's great!
7/13/2021 c17 Miiracle
7/8/2021 c18 yochan123
7/8/2021 c14 yochan123
This is so great
7/8/2021 c12 yochan123
Conquer sakura!
7/8/2021 c10 yochan123
Ino’s prank is great
7/7/2021 c5 yochan123
Conquering tsunade win
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