Just In
for With A Twist

5/7/2020 c22 94bingblot
This little bit of fluff was just what is needed at this time. Don't we all wish this scene had actually included a kiss! I'm so glad you're still writing this!
5/5/2020 c22 lovemycastle
awesome! love it!
5/2/2020 c22 dopeysac
YES! I wouldn't more! Great chapter!
5/1/2020 c22 neversoonenough
This one really brings a big smile at the end. Her perfume. Bet it's her shampoo, too. If only there had been more little moments like this in the show. I got very tired of the Espo/Ryan interruptions every single time Beckett and Castle got within six inches of each other. Sweet story. Thank you.
5/1/2020 c21 Guest
Just what I needed right now, so heartwarming.
5/1/2020 c22 Guest
Such a great twist! Thanks
5/1/2020 c22 11vaso.caskett
You were right, short and sweet! Don't think i've read anything with that scene. Loved it!
4/30/2020 c22 cecimartin
Thank for continuing to write these stories and, most importantly, these characters. I still miss them very much. Hope you and yours are safe and healthy during these crazy times.
4/30/2020 c22 Guest
liked this a lot
4/30/2020 c22 sasans
They still got caught but at least it was after the kiss. Lots of fun. Thank you.
4/30/2020 c22 9theputz913
Love it but That was way too short! I need more of this!
4/30/2020 c22 leingh
love this
4/30/2020 c22 hfce
LOL! If only that really happened.
4/30/2020 c22 FlavorCountry
That was fun. Funny about Chapter 21. At the time, people were speculating that KB hadn't drunk her champagne on camera sufficiently, and that very speculation was in the air all summer.

The perfume that launched a thousand books...
4/30/2020 c22 Jbug47
Great chapter! I love Caskett and its looking better for them I also love cherries!
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