Just In
for The Sorcerer and the Spider

7/29/2020 c1 160Valerie Daniel
Heh, I could see that. Only with Arthur and the Knights worrying what was wrong with Merlin only to find a spider.
5/7/2018 c1 8fire.ash.rebirth
Aww! Too precious!
4/25/2018 c1 4iamamuffin
Arthur the bug killer, protect little merlin!
4/15/2018 c1 Guest
Too funny.
4/13/2018 c1 Guest
4/15/2018 c1 12Onee-san
Spiders are no laughing matter. I feel ya, Merlin. I feel ya. And Arthur is just the kind of jerk who would dangle one in front of his face. That's the makings of an accidental magic reveal right there. You know, if you're thinking of a sequel.
4/12/2018 c1 2parimalik
Can you do a followup where arthur is now king and he chooses to get back to him after that one scene where they talk about horseplay and the friendly slap in the armory and merlin slaps arthur so arthur chooses revenge
4/12/2018 c1 10Dossypet
ha! same Merlin
4/12/2018 c1 Dossypet
mood I hate spiders
4/12/2018 c1 25Dimensional Phaser
dude, I feel you merlin

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