Just In
for Appointment in Samarra: Meeting the Master

1/14 c1 Naedine-Daki
I’m amazed by your writing and the way your story left such a powerful impression on me. I believe it has the potential to shine as a comic, and I’d love to discuss that with you. As a commission-based digital artist with a background in comic collaborations, I’d be excited to work with you.
Let’s connect on Discord: lishafang or Twitter: Pelu_Oficial123
11/2/2024 c1 Guest
I def like the twist and I def think the winchesters are a little self absorbed. but I don't think he was jealous about being a better hunter more like dean thought that Sam was uncaring about anything, like letting him get turned into a vamp or trying to kill bobby. while having no soul made him a better hunter, made him behave in monstrous ways. but I like how its a completely different idea on a story with Supernatural and Harry Potter crossover.
11/1/2024 c1 lunaz
good start
11/2/2024 c1 2TimelessBound
Welcome back !

Looking forward to reading more from you !
9/13/2024 c2 4Kaiser Harry James Potter
Schade... Ich vermisse dich als Autor... Irgendwie... Und vuele deiner Fanfictions
3/25/2024 c2 1Kiani Skyrider
This was a great idea I'm sorry to see that you stopped writing on here. I know some people are horrible
1/21/2024 c2 netzoid27
I'm so sorry to hear you won't be writing anymore it's a shame I have been reading your writing since you started and you have some real talent, I hope you will continue even if it is somewhere else or only for yourself.
12/16/2023 c2 LeightonWD
I hope you find something else that makes you happy and less stressed. Big hugs
12/15/2023 c2 poppabear11420
So sorry you have to do this as I have enjoyed your stories
12/15/2023 c2 Ken kaneki's shadow wolf
I was sorry to hear this. I think your a good writer and feel like it is a shame to see you go
12/15/2023 c1 jabujabu63
Would it be possible for you to make an adoption-recommendation list with your favorite adoptions listed with the story id numbers
2/13/2023 c1 IIamVoo
1/5/2023 c1 That2-one3-girl4
6/30/2022 c1 AnthonyR89
honestly, they should have ended the show with Season 5.
9/26/2020 c1 1DemonWolf25
oh... wow. Bad ass Harry!
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