Just In
for Appointment in Samarra: Meeting the Master

9/7/2020 c1 Guest
Harry's presence made things worse because hes acting like such an entitled tool
12/8/2019 c1 Numbet1ebaystoregmail
Loved the eyes
11/13/2019 c1 Yinma911
So what? while Dean is trapped in a glowing orb did Harry take over Deans body? I hope you reconsider it being compleate and keep going i love it.
10/22/2019 c1 reptoholic
5/27/2019 c1 Meganrae1234
What happened to the original version? I liked that one much better with Harry going to see Sam at the end instead of dean talking to Sam and Bobby.
1/8/2019 c1 Wika0304
please write continuation
4/30/2018 c1 16magicanimegurl
Wow... dont know what to say. It was interesting to read. Write on!
4/18/2018 c1 2willam and jack and jake
nice love it and who did he end up with in this world?
4/14/2018 c1 mer
Thank you!
4/14/2018 c1 3why-I-L0v3-801
this needs to be continued pleaseee!00 )
4/14/2018 c1 alicewhite234
what an intersting story! Don't think I've read anything quite like it! I really enjoy your take on a dark Mod!Harry.
4/14/2018 c1 Nagilover4ever
Loved it. Wish there was more.
4/14/2018 c1 dloold87
well fuck, this was a fun tease chapter. I hope you continue or someone else picks it up.
4/14/2018 c1 TerraeStarDragon88
Just thought of how it could go
Harry, as Dean, hugs Sam and runs his tounge from his jaw to earlobe and say, "I'm feeling real into brothers right now."
Practical Magic-gillian
Harry flashes his eyes. Sam attacks. Harry locks his legs around Sam's waist/hip. Telling Sam to do it harder. While laughing. And sounding like he's having sex.
True Blood-Marianne
Eventually harry wraps his arms around Sam and looks over to Bobby a says, "Do you really want to stay and watch?"
When Sam gets tired. Harry tells him about the deal Dean made or just that if dean gets free. Sam would get his soul back. So Sam puts up with Harry. If only to stop Dean. Harry calls on Sam anytime Bobby tries to get Harry to free Dean and leave.
4/14/2018 c1 Gracealma
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