Just In
for A Gift from the Past

3/22/2022 c28 Madeshka
I just discovered your stories and have now read this first one. I SO enjoyed it and am thrilled that you have written so many in a series. You have a real gift and am providing me with many hours of reading bliss. Thank you!
8/4/2020 c4 20SymphonyinA
It’s nice that you’re just using Kay-established backstory because we’re all familiar with it. Then we understand it better and there doesn’t need to be as much explanation.

And the Persian is here! Always excited to see him- and nice description of him in the first paragraph
8/4/2020 c3 SymphonyinA
I like the little flashbacks- just tidbits each chapter. And I really enjoyed the first part of this- showing Erik’s passion for science and “magic”
8/4/2020 c2 SymphonyinA
Ooh- I like the Leroux tie-ins!
8/4/2020 c1 SymphonyinA
Since I’m not a big LND fan, I decided to read this fic of yours- and holy crap! What a lovely start. A lot of people (me) struggle with writing parts that overlap with the musical. This was done BEAUTIFULLY. I love the details, I love the way you portray Erik’s mental state- excited to see how this fic goes! Maybe I can binge it since it’s complete, too :)
7/15/2020 c28 ElenaVitW
Very interesting story. Relationship between Erik and Christine develops too quick (I do like to read seduction between characters lasts longer before being together finely :-) but otherwise the story is well written, no any doubts and questions about story line arise as everything goes smoothly from the beginning. Thank you!
5/23/2020 c28 Drusilla Doll
Great story! Really cool to see it going back to the source with the mystery format, but mixing elements from various adaptations. The writing is very cinematographic, it really came to life as I was reading! It was also satisfying to see Raoul exposed as the self-centered, self-pitying brat we all know he really is, and yet still give him a potential redemption arc... I think this is an essential element of POTO, flawed characters with potential for both good and bad, and you capture this very well, painting complex characters. Nice balance of intrigue, drama, action, adorable romance, and sexy scenes...
5/21/2019 c28 6ThePhantomScholarOfThePantages
Love it! Great story! Love all the E/C fluff and the way their chosen family keeps expanding. And yay for happy endings! :-)
5/20/2019 c17 ThePhantomScholarOfThePantages
LOL Thank you for the concise shredding of the LND plot! That is a much needed breath of fresh air and I loved it!
5/20/2019 c5 ThePhantomScholarOfThePantages
Yes, and I whole-heartedly appreciate your not just quoting the ALW dialogue outright. It works beautifully sung on stage, but not as literary dialogue! So thanks enormously for not falling into that Phanfic trap. And yes, you've definitely managed to keep the sense of the scenes even while not quoting directly! Well done!
3/12/2019 c10 27jennyfair
I love how teasing and sweet Nadir is with Adele, and then that steamy second half with E/C, oof! *fans self* Sexy but very sweet!
3/12/2019 c9 jennyfair
I like that Erik struggles with giving up his solitude after wanting to for so long, and not knowing quite how to deal with achieving all the things he's dreamed. I think it's very true to character!
2/9/2019 c8 jennyfair
I like the interaction between Adele and Christine here - especially Christine detecting that Adele knows Nadir better than she lets on! And the proposal scene is very sweet!
1/27/2019 c28 4The English Phantom
WOW! what a sweet ending after such a nerve wracking previous chapter.

Monique is going to be needing a lot of time and there will be many bumpy roads for her to travel.

Looking forward to the next part.
1/27/2019 c27 The English Phantom
good grief! You certainly like a rapid sequence of events! the reader could almost be part of the team in this situation. the writing made it feel like the reader was there in the midst of the action.

Poor Monique however, such a very large amount to deal with only got bigger, she will need support to find her way through this convoluted pathway.

Had me worried about Erik. thank god that the villian is Dead, the only better thing would have been better for him would be the long drop of the hangmans noose!
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