Just In
for Pulse

10/6/2022 c3 S-chan08
Never though to consider this crossover but I liked the way you are constructing this story, Very interesting ideed. I can't wait to see how this relationship between Kagome, Sesshoumaru and Levi will play out. Thank you for open my horizonts! Please update soon!
5/25/2020 c3 SKitsuneDragon
Please write more.
8/9/2019 c3 Guest
Next chapter please!
7/21/2019 c3 mallarieTwinkies
pretty cool
7/21/2019 c1 mallarieTwinkies
this is very interesting hope you continue
5/18/2019 c3 Guest
Please come back and update the story. It’s too interesting.
5/14/2019 c3 Guest
4/29/2019 c3 Kagome pairing
I. cannot. Wait. To. Read. More. ... UPDATE SOON PLZ
2/2/2019 c3 Fan
Please update soon
12/31/2018 c3 Lucky Lucy Heart
PLEASE UPDATE! I ABSOLUTELY LOVE this story! The plot is AWESOME and your writing is AMAZING! I can’t wait to read the next chapter and I hope you upload it SOON!
10/30/2018 c3 CL
I like it! A tad bit hard to read and understand as I was going through the process of reading it and a bit of a headache to keep track of the interactions, Kagome's thoughts, and conversations between the characters but overall it was good :)
10/30/2018 c3 Sabaku no ikuro
jajajajaaj eso es kagomeeeee se ruda siiii, se nota que sesshomaru la ah estado entrenando
10/30/2018 c3 The Blue Insanity 8500
I hope you’re okay. Thanks for updating, I was so happy to see the update! I shall wait patiently for your next one! This Kagome is so cool!
10/30/2018 c3 Guest
Yay. Thanks for the update.
10/12/2018 c2 mikansakuraangel
This seems interesting so far.
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