Just In
for The Pirate Prince Redux

2/29/2024 c14 9GodlyVortexOfPain
please complete this one its very good story
2/26/2024 c14 slicc
When will the next update be
1/22/2024 c14 Armyj88
keep posting
1/15/2024 c14 Guest
Nice. Very nice.
1/15/2024 c11 Guest
This story telling has evolved. That or it just hits different when I feel like we're really seeing the world. Elite. Elite story telling here.
1/15/2024 c9 Guest
Fire... Pun partially intended.
1/15/2024 c2 Guest
... It would seem that I jinxed myself. God. Dammit.
1/15/2024 c1 Guest
First impressions... I'm on the fence here. Not because of Pirate Prince. Didn't read that. The fruit was fine I guess. Should've waited a bit before the sword though. But that's minor. I just personally think it would look better if multiple stuff isn't given all at once. His reasoning for being a pirate was fine. There wasn't really anything special about it. I do hope he finds a goal or something big he wants to do in the future. Not being the Pirate King. But just something to look forward to. Hopefully not revenge...
1/12/2024 c4 12Gold Testament
*narrows my eyes at your exit note* Tch I thought it would be higher. He killed celestial dragons, world nobles, and destroyed the holy land Mariejois. That alone should at least make it over 500,000,000 minimum, and then add in his relation to Rayleigh. I could already imagine Big Mom trying to set up an engagement with Naruto just because of what he did.
12/8/2023 c14 BioHazard82
Interesting story. Hopefully you update this more often in the future.
12/1/2023 c2 albertocervantes598
fuck you! you just had to brand him didn't you. while I already knew kushina would die the moment she showed up in chapter 1, I really hate that you are having Naruto be a slave and not have him escape somehow like Sabo.
12/1/2023 c14 Alexander4443
Good chapter
9/24/2023 c2 Guest
All that training and Sakazuki easily beats Naruto and kills Kushina? Haha, what a joke.
9/4/2023 c1 luzbel2k
Hi, I don't know if you would mind, but I would like to upload this fanfic translated to Spanish to my YouTube channel, obviously I will put a link, direct to your account.
6/2/2023 c3
This fanfic was stupid. I'm only three chapters in and it's stupid. What made you think " hey I'm just gonna make naruto into a fuckin slave when he has a seastone katana and doesn't have it all the time." This story started out good in the first chapter, it did, but afterwards it devolved into retardation.
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