Just In
for The Pirate Prince Redux

7/30/2018 c11 Zeroclearance
okay I just found this pic and I can honestly say it's fgreat keep up the good work mate
7/28/2018 c11 Lucky Lucy Heart
PLEASE UPDATE! I ABSOLUTELY LOVE this story! The plot is AWESOME and your writing is AMAZING! I can’t wait to read the next chapter and I hope you upload it SOON!
6/15/2018 c11 shephawk
Later you should have naruto and his crew end up in a davy back fight just because id love to see the stupid events youd come up with hell have some gurls on the other crew just want to get itachi
5/30/2018 c11 god of all
Great chapter and story so far please continue this story soon.
5/22/2018 c1 7luffyxrobin-luffyxnami
When does your version start? Cuz im not re-reading.
5/19/2018 c11 Ac123321123
Please update
5/13/2018 c1 TravelingRoxas
Thank you for keeping this story alive!
5/9/2018 c11 Guest
well Kono, I'd rather be whipped that use my right hand every night if you catch my drift ;)
5/6/2018 c1 McNooby
Wait so Naruto and Luffy are the same age?
5/3/2018 c11 hawk.j.mordica
Thank you for keeping this story alive
5/1/2018 c2 Shashenka
Love the chapter but I have to ask when Naruto's chest was being stomped on by the vice admiral why didn't he just make him self intangible with his wind power and slip out from under him and than fly off with his mother?
4/28/2018 c8 1zubhanwc3
one thing i'd like for you to change. In one piece chapter 551, rouge clearly states that if its a female, name the child Anne. If its a male, name him Ace. So canon wise, all genderbent ace's would officially be portgas D Anne.
4/27/2018 c1 zubhanwc3
hmm, weird that I never ran into this fic before, as the summary is right up my alley. I'm also glad that you are the one that's picking it up anyhow, as you are a good writer, so regardless of if the story was good or not, you should be able to do it justice.
4/26/2018 c7 Bothersome
Punctuation. sometimes you don't even need the punctuation such as the semi-colon or the periods.
4/26/2018 c5 Bothersome
throughout reading I've realized that the grammar needs work as it could make the story many times more appealing and bearable.
Another is detail, both sensory detail and or of character.

But nevertheless the story is good and with this could be even a little bit better.

Thanks for picking up this story and writing.
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