Just In
for Bladed Horizon

10/5/2023 c30 KnightR1
10/5/2023 c30 Greatdfret4
Yay the god has answered and you're still alive and well

But seriously though, I thought you would leave this forever and ever, never coming back. This is just one of the fanfiction crossover to ever exist and unique to your own writing.
10/4/2023 c30 3doraemax
Thanks for the update. This chapters is very fun indeed. Krusty's fight is indeed comedic. Toodles...hahaha. Plus saving an actual damsel in distress. I hope Krusty didn't disappear due to his sword like what happened in the anime. Still waiting to see what happened to him.

And still playing the Great Game throughout. Shiroe sure have a mind for political intrigued...although for now, only Ilya, not him that is more likely more to survive an environment like the GoT.

Heh, the 'Brigands' got a taste of Shirou's style of battle chaos here with Rin channeling her erstwhile Servant... I wonder how whoop their asses will be facing an actual Emiya. I hope to see one or more Crystalize Legends in action. Woohoo.

Hope everything works out for you. Don't stress yourself with the scheduling. You are a writer. You write. The key point is to continue writing, no matter what you write. A senior writer friend once said even if you wrote a paragraph a day, it will contribute. Stopping, is what kills Progress. Eventually the rest will fall in place.
10/4/2023 c30 skrapsynneh
Yay. Thank you for the chapter. I look forwards to more. It has been a fairly long while. If Brigandia has created air balloons, are there any aerial monsters that would attack them? If there are, the arriving force may have deficiencies or they would have to load up on enough ranged classes to defend. Also makes me think of submarines and whether or not Adventurer bodies require air to live and/or speak.
10/4/2023 c30 tank2u1wood
Thanks for the chapter.
Lol rin pulling a "shirou" is one of the funniest things I've read makes me want to read the case files as I haven't.
From a purely selfish perspective I hope you find the spark or motivation to pump out these awesome chapters, solely because I desire more of this story.
Looking forward to the next time take care of yourself.
10/4/2023 c30 JustReader17
Welcome back!

Not sure what to say other than i'm glad you didn't decide to drop writing entirely (as in, i am immensely grateful to know that this story is still continued)

I hope you're doing well right now and i pray that your life continues to be better since that last time i heard you have trouble with IRL stuff.

Have a good day sir!
10/4/2023 c30 1Trasgo Madaraz Artifex
With how thing went with Illya's party, I almost fell bad for the raiders of Akihabara.
We all know how Shirou deals with dangers to inocents, and specially towards his loved ones. And then there is Sakura, depending on how this story HGW played, with the potential of her "Grail fragments/God of evil" powered dark side, her start as a Monster tamer, and maybe the thing about her foxtail race learning random things...
Sound like a recipe for disaster.
Like a forgotten land mine which those riders are merrily going to step on.
10/4/2023 c30 heartfanglives
Loved the fights in this chapter. Super excited to see this one update again. Might have to reread it all over. Can’t wait for more!
10/4/2023 c30 2323lkj
Yeppa... heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh
10/4/2023 c30 Dasgun
10/4/2023 c30 3RonaldM40196867
Stay awesome.

Shiroe is so cool.
10/4/2023 c30 evilstatistic19
Good chapter. I'm looking forward to the next one. If burnout is an issue maybe a break is in order. For your pteon, you could offer chapters say one week earlier than whenever you put them on here or something like that.
10/4/2023 c30 1tf330129
Keep it up :)
10/4/2023 c30 LOSTxWo1f
I'm hoping to see a badass Shirou moment here.
10/4/2023 c30 A Whimsical Seishin
Thanks for the chapter!
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