Just In
for Bladed Horizon

8/21/2023 c16 Riverflow2020
Oh your relying on the animr and wiki, yeah you should probably read the manga and somehow manage to read the light novel just ro cover you bases since you will eventually run out material if you just rely on the anime or wiki, oh also read the log horizon side strories because they may become relevant to the main story
8/16/2023 c6 Guest
Honestly using “root” to replace god, is kinda becoming cringe like I don’t where that fanon started but no one in canon of fate ever use it like that, also probably too late at this point the prana thing is also fanon it just magical energy just so you know. Anyway I’m just pointing it out I don’t expect it will change or anything tho still tho every time using “root” like she did so far is making me cringe every time but not enough to make me stop reading
8/16/2023 c7 Riverflow2020
Know this is late but you should probably also check the VN for sakura not just the trilogy of heaven feels, probably also checked out the manga too
7/13/2023 c29 Greatdfret4
6/18/2023 c17 Ashwa'Thama
Just a question, you called the Shiroe guy the greatest strategist in the previous chapter, and now you are calling him the greatest tactician. I mean there is a vast difference between those two words. It's like calling Hannibal and Scipio the same person intellectually.
4/27/2023 c12 a passing reader
Enjoyed reading until Taiga popped up. Might drop the fic if this garbage character becomes a mainstay.
4/25/2023 c29 NibberWithAHardR
Great fic, am lovin' it.
4/18/2023 c2 Guest
This is really good thank you for writing
3/22/2023 c1 Joseph Miguel N. Arango
3/20/2023 c5 jimmy.oz
Rin is wrong since the harem must be fed lol. seriously though the story is pretty good so far. so i will take my time reading it every so often so i don't catch up and then get stuck waiting for more chapters lol. keep up the good work.
3/20/2023 c2 jimmy.oz
Too be honest with there abilities i feel like they wouldn't have a problem leveling up lol. wonder if Shirou's harem will be fed and grow in the game lol.
3/20/2023 c1 jimmy.oz
Well if they do end up leaving the game maybe everything they do here will help Shirou and Illya live longer.
2/26/2023 c29 johan.h.r.gaming
Such a good story kudus to you and good health in the future. Thanks!
2/25/2023 c17 johan.h.r.gaming
I had my jaw open over half this chapter. IT WAS SOOOOO GOOOOOD! On so many levels in fact. I should totally not go to bed right now, but i am addicted!
2/16/2023 c29 110Racke
Heh, Illya having biologically-enforced anger-issues is still hilarious to me.

It's always a delight to see this updated. Unfortunately, ff-net really hates telling me that anything updates, so that this fic only exists here is eternally frustrating (especially since I don't know if the author has any backups in case of ff-net inevitably falling apart completely at some point). (AKA, dear author-sensei, please please crosspost this on AO3.)
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