Just In
for Bladed Horizon

2/13/2023 c29 Guest
Really wish your life get better and may 'My Ideal Academia' get updated soon as well. Wonder when will it finally get updated /.\
2/4/2023 c29 Guest


I hope you manage to pick up the pieces and get your life back on track.
1/31/2023 c29 AvirRapter
Sorry to hear about what's happened, mate. I know that shit sucks. Even had my own devices break down at around the same time for a similar period, and it crippled my ability to take part in online class.

Putting aside my wanting to pat you on the shoulder and tell you that you're better off writing stories rather than rhymes (this is a joge, pLeAsE. Sorry if it offends.), though, I personally wouldn't mind the FoZ fic.
1/23/2023 c10 spartenpride11
ive been searching through the FSN xover fanfics and this one caught my attention and i gotta tell ya its real interesting thats for sure makes me wanna re watch log horizon
1/24/2023 c29 9RenegadeForLife
Thanks for the chapter
1/22/2023 c29 Rando
Dude, just take your time. You’re the one writing this, it’s up to you and no one else. If someone disagrees with that logic, then they can go fuck themselves. Thank you for the brilliant chapter as always.
1/21/2023 c29 Guest
Please focus on your life first before fanfiction. I enjoy reading your stories, but not at the expense of your real life. I hope things will be better for you.
1/21/2023 c29 vinayakdj1
Those dipshits! They failed you? I'm guessing they themselves left all the studying to the students while those fossils wasted half the time trying to start a zoom call...

My condolences. As someone who saw his Lil brother go through the same and barely pass, i understand the despair you must be feeling. He was in his final year of law when the virus hit the world and even after passing he spent the next one year without a job, without college placement drives, trying to clear anything and everything. Hell he even tried to enlist using his law degree...

Don't give up and don't despair. I understand that parent's can be a little judgemental but they want the best for you.

As for fanfiction. It is supposed to be for fun and relaxation. Unless you are making money of it(like patreon etc), there is no point in using your precious time here. This can wait.

Good luck on all your future endeavours
1/18/2023 c29 ArguableReader
At long last, I have reached THE END, or lack there of.

So long as this story is able to CONTINUE, properly,
the waiting time between, is SOMEWHAT irrelevant, in my opinion.
1/18/2023 c28 ArguableReader
So basically then, Illya just has to 'vent' some energy by, beating thing's up,
just so she can feel better?

Can she do that just by shouting indiscriminately too?

I've somewhat wondered, how an Illya throwing a tantrum, just to get better, would be like.
1/18/2023 c27 ArguableReader
Rayneshia, the lazy princess I assume?

EX-POUND? EX-PLAIN...whoops?
1/18/2023 c26 ArguableReader
uh~oh~ Illya in trouble again? Hope she gets better soon.

The way you described the Swashbuckler was, well, too good for mere word's alone, is that okay?

Emiya being, emiya, which makes him almost mary-sue-ish, in his behavior, ai~yah~...
1/17/2023 c25 ArguableReader
Emiya Shirou, with a bunch of kids?...HAH! (_) (this was meant as a generic happy face emote)

Looks like even WHEN he's supposed to be the, 'the man' of,
the family, he's still a child himself! \_(ツ)_/ (I tried putting the lenny face emote for shrugging)

Then again, Illiya is SUPPOSED to be older than Shirou anyway, so~~~meh!
1/17/2023 c24 ArguableReader
Ah yes, the eccentric boy, and yet for him to become an adventurer, to live the dream,
he very nearly had to be killed first.

He's a good boy at know?
1/18/2023 c29 4Parselmaster
I appreciate you, the story you have written, and wish you success in getting where you want to be in life.
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