1/12/2023 c29
Ah a good chapter and I do love things deviating from Canon. This will certainly make for an interesting event

Ah a good chapter and I do love things deviating from Canon. This will certainly make for an interesting event
1/10/2023 c29 Guest
Nice rhymes I can understand that. I also in college but I do keep in contact with my friends from highschool to perk my spirit up.
Nice rhymes I can understand that. I also in college but I do keep in contact with my friends from highschool to perk my spirit up.
1/10/2023 c29 Guest
For another few months? ;-; I am so waiting for MIA but thanks for the chapter. And as someone that knows how Failing College means, I hope you don't blame yourself too much.
For another few months? ;-; I am so waiting for MIA but thanks for the chapter. And as someone that knows how Failing College means, I hope you don't blame yourself too much.
1/9/2023 c29 Guest
The mythical Bladed Horizon is heeereee!
The mythical Bladed Horizon is heeereee!
1/9/2023 c29 Reaper200851
Fair 'nough fair 'nough
Fair 'nough fair 'nough
1/11/2023 c27
“How in the world is one of the Debauchery Tea Party members so… vulgar?”
Well Debauchery is in the name lol

“How in the world is one of the Debauchery Tea Party members so… vulgar?”
Well Debauchery is in the name lol
1/10/2023 c29 skrapsynneh
Welcome to the club. Hope your luck turns out okay in the end. I look forwards to more. I switched late from one difficult major to an unrelated one that is even more demanding. Just setting up a soldi foundation so I can get into the program.
Welcome to the club. Hope your luck turns out okay in the end. I look forwards to more. I switched late from one difficult major to an unrelated one that is even more demanding. Just setting up a soldi foundation so I can get into the program.
1/10/2023 c29 TheLastGarou
No worries about the delay, bro. A good story is worth the wait.
You get things handled, we'll still be here.
No worries about the delay, bro. A good story is worth the wait.
You get things handled, we'll still be here.
1/10/2023 c29 InfinityMask
Nice. Thx for the update!
I still find it funny how I’m worried about what’s wrong with Illya, why she have headaches when it’s actually because of instinct. Lol.
Well well well. I guess after this the lander would be more wary of Illya and her spying.
Nice. Thx for the update!
I still find it funny how I’m worried about what’s wrong with Illya, why she have headaches when it’s actually because of instinct. Lol.
Well well well. I guess after this the lander would be more wary of Illya and her spying.
1/10/2023 c29 Nitesabes
Im glad you are back, and yeah life tends to suck unfortunately but at least you are still moving forward.
Go ahead and upload what you like, as much as i felt like i was starving without your stories i still believe the main point of you posting in the first place is that you enjoy it so...thanks for taking some of your time to write the stories we love.
Im glad you are back, and yeah life tends to suck unfortunately but at least you are still moving forward.
Go ahead and upload what you like, as much as i felt like i was starving without your stories i still believe the main point of you posting in the first place is that you enjoy it so...thanks for taking some of your time to write the stories we love.
1/10/2023 c8
I’m rereading this for god knows how many times now and I just realized something, Shiroe mana sharing with Illya and Shirou on a team, that’s a reality marble that would never go away unless broken or willed too, god that’s broken lol

I’m rereading this for god knows how many times now and I just realized something, Shiroe mana sharing with Illya and Shirou on a team, that’s a reality marble that would never go away unless broken or willed too, god that’s broken lol
1/10/2023 c8 kgtab
Wonder will this archmage-lander act like "Zelretch" of this story?
Ps: feel like Shirou should've been stronger with K&B due to copying of Archer's stats, but it ain't my story so dunno
Wonder will this archmage-lander act like "Zelretch" of this story?
Ps: feel like Shirou should've been stronger with K&B due to copying of Archer's stats, but it ain't my story so dunno
1/10/2023 c7 kgtab
Don't want to complain, but I completely disagree with Shirou being concerned with kids "privacy". This bs logic is exactly one of the reasons why Sakura had to put up with Shinji, instead of maybe having Shirou as a battery. Considering that this appears to be modified HF route I just can't see a way in which he will do the same stupid mistake again
On another note feel like Iliya's armor set slowly turns her into Doomslayer considering her berserker like fighting style lmao. That "speed increase after kill" ability reminds me of a rune from the game. I'm sure that this effect has appeared before Doom, but I find it funny nonetheless
Ps: Sakura's puppy is peak
Don't want to complain, but I completely disagree with Shirou being concerned with kids "privacy". This bs logic is exactly one of the reasons why Sakura had to put up with Shinji, instead of maybe having Shirou as a battery. Considering that this appears to be modified HF route I just can't see a way in which he will do the same stupid mistake again
On another note feel like Iliya's armor set slowly turns her into Doomslayer considering her berserker like fighting style lmao. That "speed increase after kill" ability reminds me of a rune from the game. I'm sure that this effect has appeared before Doom, but I find it funny nonetheless
Ps: Sakura's puppy is peak