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3/10/2021 c19 Dovack
that a dang good short story
3/10/2021 c19 Idrinktomuch10
To answer your question this is a side story set in the Famers Tale Universe that was written by a different author.
3/10/2021 c19 246vili
Good to see you returned. I was starting to get worried because you haven't updated for some time. Though I am curious (like some the reviewer before me) about why you uploaded an Interlude chapter here instead to the main story where you usually do.

I see Osend is doing fairly well. I recall how Koryn back when they first visited this land with Michael had a hard (quite literally) on imagining his new lands becoming prosperous and rich in the future. They are heading in the right direction indeed.

Must had been a shock to most if not all the new immigrants to land from a medieval era to the early industrial era with just one ship trip.

It's probably even be more suprising for them to meet nobles who actually care about them. It might even blow their minds if they learn their Master and the Lord of the Stoney Shore started as farmers themselves, like most of them.

Keep up the good work.
3/10/2021 c19 1BombBoyxD
good chapter, but shouldn't it be in the main story?
12/20/2020 c18 FanBoy01
11/15/2020 c18 Guest
Hm, so he is two years younger then Walder Frey. It is not out of question he still playes a part in the Second Long Night. He certainly could get that old since he introduced various health practices and knows what is healthy to eat and why.
11/14/2020 c18 Chainsawnoise
Meant Rckard and Brandon but well yea, either way they might not die
11/14/2020 c18 Chainsawnoise
Did not realise how old Micheal truly was honestly. He should be dying relatively soon. A sad thought, but it's likely that Ryden, Arthur, and Violet will have to deal with the shit show that is a Song of Ice and Fire without their fathers help. I wonder if they're going to be able to deal with the stupidity that is Ned Stark, or even if they're going to have to deal with that as Brandon might not end dying. As always can't wait for more!
11/13/2020 c17 246vili
You know, I believe you still haven't shared with us what did House Ragnar got out of the War of the Ninepenny kings.
Ryden failed to mention to Arthur (to us) what did they got in the end of Act 2 chapter 60.

They certainly got quite a bit of recognition. Ryden did most of all helped organise a retreat, saving the army of Lord Swan.
Plus he and Arthur came up with the idea of disturbing the supply lines of the Golden Company with a small cavalry unit AND took great part in founding Lyberos, the slave-free country of the Disputed Lands.
That's not mentioning the great job Michael did in organising the army's supplies, that even got the attention of the new Master of Coin.

All these are accomplishment on their own. So I hope you will explain in detail what rewards awaited House Ragnar after the war.

Keep up the good work.
11/13/2020 c16 246vili
These "Fox Raids" are another thing that is rarely mentioned. It gaves an good explanation to how do the smallfolk of the Iron Isles get their lumber and food (besides fishing). And also why the Western coast of the North is so underpopulated.
11/13/2020 c13 246vili
Ah, so this is the result of Michael's and his Braavosi business parner's (don't remember his name) project to create a new type of ship.
11/13/2020 c12 246vili
An interesting explanation of why the Valyrians and their dragons mostly stayed in Valyria itself, just to die after the Doom.
11/13/2020 c3 246vili
I believe you miss a part of the chapter.
11/8/2020 c17 Guest
Interesting: trade is expanding, the burocarcy is expanding and power is centralized. Can't wait to see how the printing press effects things!
11/7/2020 c17 Chainsawnoise
If that title isn't foreshadowing, I have no idea what would be. If I had to guess, I would assume that the growth of mercantilism in Westeros will lead to a rival in Braavos for obvious reasons. Can't wait to see more!
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