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for CR Alternates: The Broken Revenant DISCONTINUED

4/19/2022 c3 Rairi Valelira
Wow yet another person monetizing fanfiction. Well you do you.
4/18/2022 c1 81BigSmokeYeet
n o
4/18/2022 c1 Guest
What a pile of dogshit
11/17/2020 c2 BigSmokeYeet
;-; please update it ;-;
10/22/2020 c2 Ex-Shou1
Please if you rewrite this story make it that issei can get revenge because after I read this my blood boil more than anything so if you can make issei as a anti hero that would be more fun and also please keep izumi because I like her concept
10/22/2020 c2 Rairi Valelira
I will be waiting
10/15/2020 c2 ReadsWayTooMuch
I can understand that. When you do repost can you post a update here? Just something like "the new version is up".
10/15/2020 c2 SMASHton2741
You do you dude. Ill read whatever you post
7/7/2020 c1 GrumpyGrue
Holy shit, it's Tails's relative, and half the plot of Yosuga no Sora.
5/10/2020 c1 blight23
Having his parents rape him is disgusting. There is some sick stuff on this site and everyone who reads fanfics is a littler weird or able to read weird stuff and just shrug it off. But that scene was... I just glossed it over and stop reading when it became apparent what was going to happen. That’s messed up man.
4/26/2020 c1 megadragon135
This is a great story hope it continues.
4/19/2020 c1 OechsnerC
Really want to see this story go forward. Looking forward to reading more.
3/9/2020 c3 BigSmokeYeet
Is it wrong that I don't give a shit about the girl/only wanna see Issei's revenge?
2/19/2020 c1 5D3vilB4sket
be great if you could update more frequently but otherwise great story
2/18/2020 c1 Nope
hakairyuuketsu mean destructive bloodshed
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