Just In
for A Twelve Step Program to Omnipotence

5/18/2023 c1 asdasd
Why go trhough all that trouble to steal materials for constructing expo booths? Not like steel is illegal to by and even then, easier places to steal from
5/16/2023 c25 1Dekiru Grindelwald
I hate the mc
5/15/2023 c65 wtfchrlz
MC just sat around and let things happen for a really long time before doing anything.
5/15/2023 c64 wtfchrlz
Meh. Honestly at this point, even with the soul stone, Thanos doesn't feel like a genuine threat.
5/14/2023 c52 wtfchrlz
This was so satisfying to read. I've always hated how self righteous and arrogant Carol was, losing her power is worse than death to her.
5/14/2023 c50 wtfchrlz
Why on Earth would she think she's strong enough to hurt the MC after what she just saw?
5/14/2023 c47 wtfchrlz
Lol, great chapter.
5/14/2023 c12 wtfchrlz
Honestly seems like the hulk serum would be enough to make him bulletproof but w/e.
5/14/2023 c2 wtfchrlz
Lol this is good stuff.
5/11/2023 c3 oneironaught101
Great start. Happy to know it's been completed.
5/9/2023 c65 Dwusu
why the fuck would the protagonist just be standing there so annoying
5/8/2023 c10 Killinq
Nice the author finally corrected Steins to Sterns. It was bothering me for a while. Looks like the MC got a major powerup
5/8/2023 c8 Killinq
This chapter has really turned me off continuing reading
5/8/2023 c7 Killinq
Why is it that I realise this was an omake AFTER I finished it? bruh
5/8/2023 c2 Killinq
I really wish the author would correct Steins to Sterns. Its Samuel Sterns not Samuel Steins. Great chapter though!
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