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for A Twelve Step Program to Omnipotence

5/3/2018 c2 2Hercules8
A second chapter, a day after the first. Nice!

So, now the main character has superpowers now. That is awesome! I can't wait to see where the story goes from here! :)
5/3/2018 c2 Guest
Hahaha I will say this again I love this! This was much better than the tooth idea I suggested possibly could have been, from now on I will eagerly await each thing that occurs although I would like to bring up a point or two. You can't go out in public now and you will certainty take a massive hit in the stealth department so perhaps you need to get ahold of something like Xavier's illusion tech thing he gives to Kurt so he appears relatively normal. Also will you still be keeping the suit idea? You will no longer fit into your version of Tony's suit hut your character put in to much effort to just dump it as welll... well shit I'm coming up with dozens of possible what ifs in my head like showing stein the arc reactor papers or stealing the vibranium Ultron used for his meteor incident, I think I need to leave for a bit and calm down this is probably the best story I've seen in a long time it's admittedly a little fast but it's still good.
5/3/2018 c2 red1997
Good story.

5/3/2018 c2 Jason Chandler
Another good chapter! If Michael wants to learn have to fight better, he should travel to universe 11 in the Dragon Ball Multiverse and have Jiren, the Grey be his teacher. ;)
5/3/2018 c2 PiDrop
God i loved that Step 4! I have a question though- Is he now somewhat hunchbacked? And does he have a 'spine' like the abomination?

Anyway,Thanks for the chapter!(it came real fast lol :D)
5/3/2018 c1 PiDrop
The first chapter is amazing and this really feels different from the looking forward to what happens next! :D
5/3/2018 c1 Guest
Dude this is only the first chapter yet I fucking love it. I eagerly await more and can't wait to see how you do things although I don't see why your trying to get the Hulks blood it is really dangerous to even attempt that. Instead remember this Tony when he was in the Hulkbuster suit Knocked Out One Of Hulks Teeth sooooo just wait for that movie to happen and collect the tooth in the aftermath much safer than what originally happened.
5/2/2018 c1 Hercules8
Nice story! Can't wait to see if this character's plan actually works. Keep up the good work, Bakkughan! :)
5/2/2018 c1 LuckyShadowWolf
Well this is different. Are you going to be a space battle munchkin in the MCU? ...I'd say the answer is an obvious yes! Great start, and you have my interest as to how you progress.
5/2/2018 c1 33LegionnaireBlaze
Cool bit of trivia. Loves the story.
5/2/2018 c1 Jason Chandler
Interesting start/first chapter! I wonder what's gonna happen next? (:
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