Just In
for The Knights of the West

9/21/2019 c1 Guest
You and your stories are garbage.
12/30/2018 c3 bladetri
like XD
12/28/2018 c3 1Highline
Good chapter
5/17/2018 c2 Guest
Why can't I pm you then?
5/17/2018 c2 2Shirou Emiya1
For that matter im clearly talking to you directly... So how are you even blocked?.
5/17/2018 c1 Shirou Emiya1
Really? Im using a phone here how am i supposed to block you when i even don't know how?
5/17/2018 c1 therealtwoface9
Hello sir can I asl you a question please?
5/17/2018 c2 Guest
Really pussy move of you kid to block me. Shows you have no balls at all
5/11/2018 c2 1Highline
it's a good start hope to see where it goes
5/11/2018 c2 Zero fullbuster
Love it.
Please write more.
5/11/2018 c2 jablanco
That was cool
5/11/2018 c2 8PandaGX
I'm not sure how to feel about this story. Interesting. Hope it's good. I'll wait till the next update.
5/10/2018 c2 bladetri
like XD
5/6/2018 c1 bladetri
like XD

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