Just In
for The Dark Below

5/9/2018 c1 secret-werewolves
What happened?
Alas, suspense is always the key for captured readers
(Dang, I’m speaking old language again. Happens when I loose my feelings temporarily)
5/8/2018 c1 1Guerra Bored
way out of character for bakugo but otherwise really interesting. can't wait for the next update
5/7/2018 c1 Gizmo0
Well, that just happened...I'm not too sure what to say it will be interesting to see where this goes
5/7/2018 c1 Karlos1234ify
This is interesting
5/7/2018 c1 avidreader-everafter
This story seems interesting so far , I hope to see where you are going with this story soon. Best of luck Everafter
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