Just In
for The Dark Below

5/17/2021 c75 Gabriel H. Sapphire
What in the fuck did I just read bro.
4/27/2021 c12 the real ethan
The pettiness in this AN warms my heart
4/27/2021 c20 Panda.k1ng
Into scares me
4/24/2021 c11 Guest
Izuku must have been expelled
4/23/2021 c1 im not enirely sure he
i am genuinely scared of trying to continue reading this fic, not out of the inadequacy of the story, but because of what it entails. I am not ready to even think of completing this fic until im brave or bored enough. This fic is amazing and i commend the writer for creating this masterpiece of a literature and maybe try to sell this work.
4/23/2021 c75 8Heracelio
I finally finished this fiction... you are so hard and upsetting the way you treated the characters, especially 1-A. I think only Ojiro is the only one having a normal life out of the whole school... the rest died a terrible death either as heroes or backstabbers or just plain victims.

Those moments where real, strong and tangible...and I denied them hard , thanks to your fiction I realize I’m like Izuku in that department and it’s not pleasant to even consider the idea...

It’s a master work, plain and simply a master works. But not everyone is ready to read and appreciate it for it , because of all those hard moments that we aren’t ready to deal with.

Thank you fir this, ho so terrible than rich than deep fiction. Definitely worthy of a prise despite it been a FanFiction, I might found other great fiction from you later on. Or people you inspiredI am) !
4/6/2021 c75 2SampleText404
I just re-read the last chapter and it hits a lot different then it first did (probably because I'm fully awake), the lessons this is teaching, or how I interpreter it, is fascinating as well as awe inspiring for a fan-fic.

This is totally disconnect from the MHA world and I love it for that. What I see fan-fiction as, is a tool to develop how one tells their storied; this fic shows the authors transformation as a newby to someone comfortable in their own skin and was amazing to watch all the way through.

Sure things got extended and stretched thin, yet the epilogues tied it together extremely well. Inside this is a lot of stories, a lot, from Izuku's first plunges into madness and how people deal with grief; yet the over arching theme of humanity is almost always there.

The story felt like a real world and brought out a sense of morbid fascination I have never felt before when reading. It was great from start to finish (the end was better than the start though) and was an experience that I truly loved to be a part of.

Shoto's Gospel really sums up what this story leads up to in the middle and towards the end. 'So long as you live and strive towards the future, then you are human.', I love this and it fits well with the theme. Which I see as:
Even if the road to what you want is full of hardship and impossibility, walking forward despite of that is to be human.

Yagi's lesson tells of this and so does Sensei's. The lesson this story is telling, at least the watered down version is, no matter what, keep trying.

And no matter how much of an overused topic it may be, the way this is executed is perfect.


Of course there are flaws, like the way the fist dozen of chapters seem rather amateurish compared to the rest of things; as well as the rather long run time. It was also rather confusing at times when I first read it.

But that was more of my personal lack of reading experience, I've read a lot more Lovecraft styled writings and this fits in rather well. It could be considered strange that something as great as this is in a place for beginner and intermediate readers and writers.


Thank you for introducing me to a new genre that I now love wholeheartedly.
Thank you for being one of the inspirations in my aspirations to being an author.
Thank you Darth Peezy for this amazing story, it may not be perfect (far from it) but it was something I will remember forever.
4/3/2021 c12 Guest
Do you like making me cry?
4/3/2021 c11 Guest
Awwawawa, poor boy
4/2/2021 c3 1Sothur
No way... a God of Highschool crossover?! I should've found out about this sooner :<
3/31/2021 c18 Gennarbear
This story is somewhat depressing and enthralling, but I will be completely honest that I was giggling like a madman when I read the Bloodborne and Doom references
3/28/2021 c8 Guest
it was interesting in the beginning- now you're trying to change the gender of midoriya
3/21/2021 c12 Guest
god why the fuck is he so goddamn angsty? this shut hurts to read.
3/17/2021 c75 SansTheSkellytion
This Story is The best dipiction of character change I have seen in any fanfic. Izuku goes from a scared boy who couldn't hurt a fly and can't accept his own death, to a kind of gray area person, who isnt scared to get his hands dirty for the greater good. I think this is the most realistic dipiction of a Broken Remade Izuku Midoriya.

"Even Gods Must Fear even If that something is themselves, for Gods have emotions like man."
3/10/2021 c2 Flugel
I wish to see what's going on inside your brain that you can write in this way. Where did the idea of the Void come from? It's sounds like a dream where a nightmare has come to life.
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