Just In
for The Dark Below

1/12/2023 c18 ilikefreedom
The way you handle the Eldritch is so fascinating!
1/11/2023 c14 ilikefreedom
The emotional clash in this chapter was very well done and expertly written.
1/11/2023 c8 ilikefreedom
Well that was an intense chapter.
1/11/2023 c6 ilikefreedom
This is completely and utterly fascinating so far!
12/14/2022 c10 1Verdauga
Oh so many conflicts.
12/14/2022 c8 Verdauga
As cool as this is, I really do hope to see Izuku stop accepting the abuse and stand for himself at some point.
12/14/2022 c6 Verdauga
This is incredible.
12/14/2022 c5 Verdauga
12/14/2022 c4 Verdauga
Fascinating, what delightful cosmic horror and genuine life.
12/14/2022 c2 Verdauga
Fascinating and more than a little terrifying.
12/14/2022 c1 Verdauga

11/6/2022 c16 DeltaWolf2038
you could technically say shoto has the winds of hel(norse mythology) and the flames of hell... just saying
11/5/2022 c11 DeltaWolf2038
i hate how you seem to have forgotten about the all healing eyejuice in the darkworld
11/5/2022 c6 DeltaWolf2038
i wonder if he'll ever meet the daedric prince of madness, sheogorath
10/29/2022 c28 3Grimmideals
Worm references, DOOM, etc...yeah Omniversal shenanigans.
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