Just In
for The Perfect One

19h c2 darkeragez
Great chapter
12/31/2024 c24 Guest
That's probably one of the dumbest weaknesses there is I guess he's a viltrumite with that gay ass weaknesses
12/31/2024 c1 darkeragez
This was great
12/25/2024 c1 Campbelljohn50
How often does this story update?
12/21/2024 c4 4ElementalDrift
Season 4. And when you say the Inhumans will play a bigger role, do you mean the Attilan Inhumans, or the Afterlife Inhumans. Because I honestly think when Hive shows up, he should control Will, and have Will save Alisha from a Reaper.f
12/18/2024 c24 Evan
Damn nice fight scene
12/15/2024 c24 Guest
I think it's stupid because Will could have killed a lot of people telepathically
12/14/2024 c24 Guest
Loki better enjoy this while he does, because I want him to be nearly torn apart By William, Thor, Crystal and every Avenger and SHIELD agent for this.
12/14/2024 c24 Guest
I honestly don't know how I feel about this.

My boy got magically mind controlled, Law-and-Order-SVU'd, killed people, destroyed New York and beaten to near death by his own mother.

I want Lorelei and Loki to run into a threat they cause that's so terrifying that crawl to William for help, only for him to be at them both into an inch of their lives. (fictional characters, I know, I just hate them, so much). And because of the Mind-control, everyone in New York, maybe the whole planet now Hates Aegis. I wouldn't be surprised if people demand him in jail, his head on a stick or he gives up the Avengers and SHIELD , exiling himself to space. (Hope he meets the guardians of the galaxy or gets any upgrades that makes him a problem the next time Loki or Lorelei or anyone tries to mind control him.

I just hope that no one know or figures out who Aegis is under the helmet. I know Carol was freaked out that William may have been dying and he was her son, but, Lady, Secret Identity for a reason.

I'm glad that Crystal knows that William was mind-controlled and doesn't hold it against him, but it's sad seeing her cry and everyone else depressed.
12/13/2024 c24 Guest
I love this story but will getting brainwashed kinda ruins it for me.
12/13/2024 c24 Guest
Great messed-up chapter.

I'm terrified about the potential aftermath of all this.

Is Will gonna stop using his powers, quit S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Avengers because of this, exile himself to space?

Do you think Will is gonna kill Lorelei and Loki for this?

Will he ever be forgiven? Will he ever forgive himself? I personally think he'd be kicking himself for not asking for any kinds of Asgardian protection. Would have stopped for slowed thing down so it wouldn't come to this.

I'm scared that John Garrett/HYDRA know who Aegis is. They might take advantage of Will's current mental state and being hated by the public.
12/13/2024 c23 Guest
Where is part 2
12/15/2024 c13 Mulenga Mumba
He just enjoys killing huh… liie even if he’s beaten them and their in custody, he’ll just kill them, it’s cool for the sex trafficers and assholes like that, but it’s every time he’s just shooting people with no regard for the law, and when shield collapses and he continues like this, he’s just gonna be another criminal at that point. Going around murdering everyone he doesn’t agree with. He also threatens a lot of criminals with death instead of jail, like at the end of the day, hes he can kill people, but at this point he’s stong enough and skilled enough that it’s looking more like he kills because he wants to, not because he has to.
12/14/2024 c10 Mulenga Mumba
All the fead shield agents that occurred after he got there is wills fault, for stivking with basic weapons against superpowered individuals, it’s beginning to feel like you made him too strong so has to do stupid stuff like this so the story can happen, i can only hope this doesn’t become a theme as i was enjoying the story
12/14/2024 c10 Mulenga Mumba
Why is he fighting mutants with arrows? I like that he’s a capable agent, and i understand the need to avoid using his powers when he’s not dressed as Aegis to keep his secret, but there was no need to be using useless arrows when psionic blasts would have been more effective.
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