Just In
for The Perfect One

3/4/2023 c18 G-AME5
Love it
3/4/2023 c18 Hyuga Tobirama
Great chapter
3/4/2023 c18 1ShashankBhatt
Man This is great. Hellboy is going to make Fitzsimmons forget science
3/4/2023 c18 4Okaze
Disappointed we didn't get to see the Rider in action, but still was another great chapter as usual. Will needs to teach the team some actual horror movie rules for survival.
3/3/2023 c18 superpierce
That was crazy but yeah definitely no Sequel bet Freddy is pissed that doesn't have get outta Hell free card.
3/3/2023 c18 1ShashankBhatt
Author Can you not do Wanda x Vision. I would hope you include Wanda in MC's life but if not just don't do Wanda vision that shit was bad.
3/3/2023 c18 15NinjaFang1331
Amazing job and the supernatural really freaking the team out.
3/3/2023 c18 xXwolfsterXx644
A incredible chapter dude I loved every bit definitely Can't wait for the next update and when will and the team meat hell boy
3/3/2023 c18
Great job with this chapter. Nice cameo of Freddy Kruger and Johnny Blaze the Ghost Rider we’ll see them in the future. Keep up with the great work.
3/3/2023 c18 kakaroto1997
Good Chapter
3/3/2023 c18 22edboy4926
Awesome chapter.
3/3/2023 c18 8Jebest4781
Fun entry here and enjoyed how it went here. Keep up the good work.
3/3/2023 c18 15Wolfking0811
That scene with Will retelling the story of Jason Voorheese and the team poking holes in the story had me busting a gut.
3/3/2023 c1 2weavile101
you better update the story.
1/19/2023 c8 2RedTheVariant
yo i used to live in Pittsburgh
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