Just In
for The Perfect One

10/3/2022 c16 wolfievv
thanks for the chapter hope you update more soon
10/1/2022 c1 Guest
Can you please write a new naruto game of thrones
10/3/2022 c16 wolfievv
the fourth wall break was just amazing
10/1/2022 c16 Guest
I really like your creativity and all but the details are too much and then becomes annoying.
In mobile view, a fourteen line paragraph can be summarised into four or five, please think about it
9/30/2022 c16 Guest
Another excellent chapter. Somehow, I don't think Will's going to be particularly welcome on Asgard any time soon though ;)
10/2/2022 c16 wazder101
The details are too much, like seriously you write about some things that are not important. The book used to be bearable but now, its annoying
10/1/2022 c16 1Messiah of authors
Nice foreshadowing for endgame. Hope we see more she hulk. And also yeah goose for the win!
10/1/2022 c16 22edboy4926
Awesome chapter
Well, at least Thor's mom is alive.
Though the adding of the future Endgame encounter makes it feel not good cause you just told us that regardless of Will's existence, the Snap will still occur.
10/1/2022 c16 Hyuga Tobirama
Great chapter
Enjoyed the chapter and mixed changes in the Dark World event, France has still banned him? Come on! After what he did, couldn't they just give a verbal warning or a limited ban since he's a SHIELD agent and a hero?

Plus the 4th wall joke I almost thought there was a typo until I realise what was going on and laughed, especially with Deadpool finally showed up, to Will's dismay. But won't be the last time we seen the last of him.

I was surprised to find out he and Darcy had a relationship in the past, that was a surprise and hope we see more of them and maybe joins the open romance someday? It be interesting how she meets his two current admirers/girlfriend. That parr where he meets his future self was a surprise and... unexpected in a way of his darkest moment (shudders) But meeting Rocket was hilarious. But if Darcy meets any other heroes wonder what impression she would do next other than a taser?

I did a look into when this took place as it should have been 2013.

great reading this and look forward the next events
10/1/2022 c16 8Jebest4781
Great chapter here and enjoyed the interactions done here. Sadly wish Darcy was in the pairing now after seeing this occur here. Also hopefully you'll do Jennifer/She-Hulk more justice in this than a number of issues we've gotten in her initial show.
10/1/2022 c16 4Okaze
Another awesome chapter. Was happy to read it and I can't wait to see how this all changes things in the future of the story compared to the usual canon universe.
10/1/2022 c16 3RHatch89
Awesome update :)
10/1/2022 c16 fallendemon248
Amazing chapter as always, nice to see the aether leaving Jane for a more powerful host makes sense too. Love the fourth wall breaking too. So excited for your next updates can’t wait
10/1/2022 c16 xXwolfsterXx644
Great chapter dude I'm glad will managed to get the aether out and I definitely Can't wait for the next update when he goes and thrashes the purple man
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