Just In
for The Perfect One

9/30/2022 c1 1ShashankBhatt
Though can't you add Darcy in the mix as well. I think her personality will make will relax more.
9/30/2022 c16 ShashankBhatt
Great chapter
9/30/2022 c16 superpierce
Love it how Goose just casually eats Malekith when tried to kill himself. Though I really hope the use of time travel doesn't mean the events of endgame will happen.
9/30/2022 c16 ShashankBhatt
Can Darcy Lewis be added in the pairing i haven't seen any fanfiction with her as one.
9/30/2022 c16 Nike3847
love the Stan Lee reference and the 4th wall breaks. great story
9/30/2022 c16 Laval Asher
Great chapter!
9/30/2022 c16 15NinjaFang1331
Wonderful job with the movie and Thor’s mother surviving
9/30/2022 c16 8Many Faced Mage
And the Face of Today is? Greek Hero Spartan!

This was a great chapter. The part with him tormenting Loki was very funny. So he met his future self. The part about him wearing his girlfriends undies remind me about my cousin wearing a flower girl dress. So he met his future self, that was interesting. Hopefully Odin won’t be too mad about what they just did. The part with Wolverine and Professor X was good. I look forward to seeing what they do next. Well I don’t like it how he made that quantum member commit suicide. Was a little dark I’m really enjoying how the story goes. I look forward to seeing the next chapter and hopefully we can get to see the defenders keep up the good work.
9/30/2022 c16 waceycorley
Another awsome chapter im looking forward to more
9/22/2022 c1 FoxHunt7777
this is so forced
9/5/2022 c15 wolfievv
hope you update again soon
8/28/2022 c10 mauricemattis17
Can you please stop fucking writing everything in the fucking marvel universe and just writhe the goddam agents of shield already
8/24/2022 c15 blaker316
awesome story
8/18/2022 c5 Arunps
please don't turn this into a harem. choose one
7/29/2022 c15 Blaze1992
At this rate I am surprised he doesn't have a cigar constantly in hand.
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