7/27/2022 c15 bend2006
could you change the pairing to will/wanda.
could you change the pairing to will/wanda.
7/28/2022 c15 JhotoLoraxius
I finally caught up after putting it off for some reason
Gotta say I love these newer chapters, not messing with ancient tech and just plain ole super villains is always cathardic
Enjoyed them all a lot, curious to see how the Skye x Will x Crystal will develop
I finally caught up after putting it off for some reason
Gotta say I love these newer chapters, not messing with ancient tech and just plain ole super villains is always cathardic
Enjoyed them all a lot, curious to see how the Skye x Will x Crystal will develop
7/19/2022 c5 piscataway2181
I am honestly enjoying your fic. But, the truth is that it really just another fic grafted over the MCU. In the end it is simply added wordcount if their is no change as a result of the OC.
which is a real shame because I think you have a lot of creative potential.
I am honestly enjoying your fic. But, the truth is that it really just another fic grafted over the MCU. In the end it is simply added wordcount if their is no change as a result of the OC.
which is a real shame because I think you have a lot of creative potential.
7/19/2022 c2 piscataway2181
I like your story thus far. But, just replacing him in Liam's role makes no sense. He is a telepath that could simply rip the info out of their heads. So, why is he wasting time brutalizinginterrogating them?
I like your story thus far. But, just replacing him in Liam's role makes no sense. He is a telepath that could simply rip the info out of their heads. So, why is he wasting time brutalizinginterrogating them?
7/11/2022 c8 Mthatha SA
No lie even though kind of enjoyable these filler chapters are annoying...I mean you can just easily use a timeskip..no need to waste time on irrelevant storylines
No lie even though kind of enjoyable these filler chapters are annoying...I mean you can just easily use a timeskip..no need to waste time on irrelevant storylines
7/8/2022 c15 bend2006
hope spectre is next.
hope spectre is next.
7/10/2022 c15 Hyuga Tobirama
What an amazing chapter the James Bond/Quantum inclusion was genius. I love the mc Will I can see him either being the director of Shield when Hydra is dealt with or creating his own organisation.
What an amazing chapter the James Bond/Quantum inclusion was genius. I love the mc Will I can see him either being the director of Shield when Hydra is dealt with or creating his own organisation.
7/9/2022 c1 Mthatha SA
I just have to ask...is your name William Detmer...cause why do all your OC fics use the same name and surname all the time...like what's so special about this name and why does he always have the same character traits...come on bruh
I just have to ask...is your name William Detmer...cause why do all your OC fics use the same name and surname all the time...like what's so special about this name and why does he always have the same character traits...come on bruh
7/1/2022 c15
Interesting chat, never been much a fan of bond but fun to read. And now excited for will to tag team with Thor! This ought to be good

Interesting chat, never been much a fan of bond but fun to read. And now excited for will to tag team with Thor! This ought to be good
6/30/2022 c15 superpierce
was using the Ave maria song from Hitman Blood money when Will attacked the Russian Quantum agent it seemed somewhat appropriate.
was using the Ave maria song from Hitman Blood money when Will attacked the Russian Quantum agent it seemed somewhat appropriate.
6/30/2022 c15 xXwolfsterXx644
Great chapter dude I definitely Can't wait for the next update for this and the other stories and to see will help out Thor in dark world
Great chapter dude I definitely Can't wait for the next update for this and the other stories and to see will help out Thor in dark world