Just In
for The Perfect One

8/31/2021 c12 3RHatch89
Awesome job as always :)
8/31/2021 c12 superpierce
great chapter.
8/31/2021 c12 15NinjaFang1331
Excellent job thank you
8/31/2021 c12 8Jebest4781
Quite the good chapter here and will be interesting to see what you'll do next in this.
8/31/2021 c12 7Masso 2010
great chapter, loved Will's interactions with the team. can't wait to see what comes next.
8/31/2021 c12 Diabolos Aides
Great chapter I can't wait to read more
8/31/2021 c12 2SHADOWGHOST07
Please update, this story is very good
8/31/2021 c12 fallendemon248
Whoa I knew Will had issues with his birth parents like we saw with Carol but I guess it’s with Garrett as well, wonder if ward is gonna tell him. Awesome chapter loved it and can’t wait to see what happens next
8/31/2021 c12 LordDarkness89
can't wait for the drama when Garrett show himself
8/30/2021 c12 skylargillilan
I know the ending scene is supposed to be funny but that is a massive invasion of his privacy.
8/30/2021 c12 8Many Faced Mage
And the Face of Today is? Greek Hero Spartan!

This is getting good. I'm looking forward to when he meets his biological farther. It will beintersting to say the least.
8/30/2021 c12 22edboy4926
Good chapter.
8/30/2021 c1 Damien Evermere
ah xXx how we enjoy you
8/25/2021 c11 Buildingcross
Please let there be !
8/11/2021 c7 johnnyescamilla5
Will he ever meet gi joe
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