Just In
for The Perfect One

7/31 c22 xXwolfsterXx644
Amazing chapter dude definitely Can't wait for the next update
7/31 c22 dlowe2651
fucking awesome update again soon
Now we need is deadpool to show up and cause some mischievous. Maybe make some joke of will’s harem or break the 4th wall with all we are thinking.
7/31 c22 15NinjaFang1331
Wonderful update thank you
7/31 c22 7Many Faced Mage
And the face of today is? Greek hero Spartan!

This was really good. It looks like they’ve got a watch out though for Kronos. I wonder if they will be countering the zoanoids and the guyver. Keep up the good work.
7/31 c22 dan.lew.upg
cant wait for more
7/31 c22 8Jebest4781
Chapter was fun and enjoyed how it went. Can't wait for more when possible.
7/31 c22 fallendemon248
Well glad to see more on the hellfire club and Essex but I was not expecting sinister at the end. Can't wait for the next update and see will meet his dad.
7/31 c22 3RonaldM40196867
The Triskelion Force is so cool!


I miss Deadpool.
7/31 c22 LordDarkness89
thanks for the chapter bro. i thought you're going to introduce x23,we got some fights tho. what do you think about Deadpool 3 ? good ? bad ?
7/30 c22 wowen.ruiz
Yeah! X-FORCE! I really love their costumes especially Wolverine's. Also Deadpool's. Sinister only experiments on mutants or this version would use anyone now?
7/30 c22 superpierce
great chapter worth the wait.
6/27 c21 Guest
I know this may seem like a stupid question since this is primarily an Agents of Shield fic. But could you please show more of Will in his Aegis persona. I just feel that is the main attraction point of this story and he can’t really do that on regular spy missions.
5/26 c21 Antianti12
I read this story for years but I'm gonna have to pass now. Will has become more and more of a white knight, plus the whole harem stuff and open relationship he's more of a cuck now. He seems like a fat neckbeard tipping his fedora. Enjoyed the story for a while but I can't read anymore good luck.
4/12 c21 22edboy4926
Good chapter.
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