5/31/2019 c6
7Masso 2010
Once again, you blow me away with a chapter. When I saw you updated I literary stopped everything and started reading. I loved the start of the chapter though I do think Will should have stood up to Fury a little more, loved the surprised visit from Crystal and the start of there relationship with her. And of course Goose is a god send and love that Will has a pet.
Though I am begging you. Please start agents of shield next chapter, please, please, please. Though if you're looking for horror movie ideas for a chapter then I recommend the Chernobyl Diaries (yeah, the movie itself wasn't the best but Will Detmer could do a lot with zombies being covered up by the Russin government)
I cannot wait for what happens next, please don't wait to long to update your best story.

Once again, you blow me away with a chapter. When I saw you updated I literary stopped everything and started reading. I loved the start of the chapter though I do think Will should have stood up to Fury a little more, loved the surprised visit from Crystal and the start of there relationship with her. And of course Goose is a god send and love that Will has a pet.
Though I am begging you. Please start agents of shield next chapter, please, please, please. Though if you're looking for horror movie ideas for a chapter then I recommend the Chernobyl Diaries (yeah, the movie itself wasn't the best but Will Detmer could do a lot with zombies being covered up by the Russin government)
I cannot wait for what happens next, please don't wait to long to update your best story.
5/4/2019 c1 Evan
Use John Carter movie
Use John Carter movie
5/4/2019 c1 scyfly
your writing is really weird/akward, hell in the beginning 1 out of 20 words is william
your writing is really weird/akward, hell in the beginning 1 out of 20 words is william
4/2/2019 c5 johnnyescamilla5
when will was trying to read loki mind it remind me of an episode of star wars look up Star Wars Clone Wars The Jedi Interrogate Cad Bane
when will was trying to read loki mind it remind me of an episode of star wars look up Star Wars Clone Wars The Jedi Interrogate Cad Bane
3/31/2019 c5 Jason Hunter
Wait a minute John Garrett as in the same one from Agents of Shield wow this is going to be a weird family reunion once Will finds out that his father is part of Hydra.
Wait a minute John Garrett as in the same one from Agents of Shield wow this is going to be a weird family reunion once Will finds out that his father is part of Hydra.
3/30/2019 c5 Jason Hunter
Wait a minute William can break the Fourth wall how can that be possible you have better give us an explanation in the next chapter on how he can break the fourth wall.
Wait a minute William can break the Fourth wall how can that be possible you have better give us an explanation in the next chapter on how he can break the fourth wall.
4/1/2019 c5
I don't agree with a couple of things in the fic but overall it has been a pleasure to read it. I really hope you keep it going. Waiting for the update...

I don't agree with a couple of things in the fic but overall it has been a pleasure to read it. I really hope you keep it going. Waiting for the update...
3/29/2019 c5 Guest
Many thanks for continuing, love the Avengers/Phase 1 end chapter.
Nice use of Will & his abilities in storyline (Bruce & Hulk starting talk earlier, stopped Cap & Thor from deforestation, made threat of Thanos known), and all his gifts/weapons in Battle of New York.
Liked Mask reference, Defenders easter egg (would Will get Tony to help him set up a Gifted/Enhanced policing/neighborhood team; potential Avengers Academy for Runaways/Cloak & Dagger), maybe Captain Mama helping out, & Rhodey showing up late.
How would Hill make it up to Will -wink wink mind in gutter.
After Will's interaction with Scepter maybe Tony doesn't make Ultron, let HYDRA further dig their grave w a murder machine that takes over remnants.
Does Fury let Will know about Coulson when they talk later or does Tony's infiltration give them access to SHIELD/HYDRA's files.
On Will's power up, its seems the event & use of powers would've been a beacon for the Ancient One to alert her, so would she or Dr Strange make an appearance soon? Would other extradimensional threats challenge him?
Also, unless I missed it, this means he is the strongest psionic with the Mind Stone lv up. Then would the Phoenix Force want him as her host since not only a strong mind but also body.
With his missions in Europe could Will run into a certain Spirit of Vengeance or Daywalker?
Looking forward to Skye/Daisy, Will's adventure in DC, & most importantly Goose (maybe a Goose v Beebo: Dawn of Furriest).
With the portal device potentially used to give Will power to Space, opening door to Arrowverse & for non MCU marvel properties (X-Men young & old, Deadpool, Gifted, Ghost Rider, Blade, Fantastic Four, etc) with Infinity War/Endgame becomes "yearly" crossover between Marvel films & DCEU/Arrowverse (Will's breach allows Thanos' snap spread further, the guilt that DC wouldn't have been affected if Will hadn't crossovered could eat at him & be plot to explore over potential yrs that Endgame's plot hinted at).
Again thank you for the update & looking forward to next one
RIP the One Above All Stan Lee & psyched for Endgame
Many thanks for continuing, love the Avengers/Phase 1 end chapter.
Nice use of Will & his abilities in storyline (Bruce & Hulk starting talk earlier, stopped Cap & Thor from deforestation, made threat of Thanos known), and all his gifts/weapons in Battle of New York.
Liked Mask reference, Defenders easter egg (would Will get Tony to help him set up a Gifted/Enhanced policing/neighborhood team; potential Avengers Academy for Runaways/Cloak & Dagger), maybe Captain Mama helping out, & Rhodey showing up late.
How would Hill make it up to Will -wink wink mind in gutter.
After Will's interaction with Scepter maybe Tony doesn't make Ultron, let HYDRA further dig their grave w a murder machine that takes over remnants.
Does Fury let Will know about Coulson when they talk later or does Tony's infiltration give them access to SHIELD/HYDRA's files.
On Will's power up, its seems the event & use of powers would've been a beacon for the Ancient One to alert her, so would she or Dr Strange make an appearance soon? Would other extradimensional threats challenge him?
Also, unless I missed it, this means he is the strongest psionic with the Mind Stone lv up. Then would the Phoenix Force want him as her host since not only a strong mind but also body.
With his missions in Europe could Will run into a certain Spirit of Vengeance or Daywalker?
Looking forward to Skye/Daisy, Will's adventure in DC, & most importantly Goose (maybe a Goose v Beebo: Dawn of Furriest).
With the portal device potentially used to give Will power to Space, opening door to Arrowverse & for non MCU marvel properties (X-Men young & old, Deadpool, Gifted, Ghost Rider, Blade, Fantastic Four, etc) with Infinity War/Endgame becomes "yearly" crossover between Marvel films & DCEU/Arrowverse (Will's breach allows Thanos' snap spread further, the guilt that DC wouldn't have been affected if Will hadn't crossovered could eat at him & be plot to explore over potential yrs that Endgame's plot hinted at).
Again thank you for the update & looking forward to next one
RIP the One Above All Stan Lee & psyched for Endgame
3/31/2019 c1 Thunderbird29
The first chapter was intriguing and done pretty well. Opening up to his parents was something new cause it's all about conceal conceal with superhumans. But this chapter I didn't agree with certain things. The freak out that Will had when he thought he was an alien was a bit over the top. It takes time for things to sink in. And it wasn't a surprise really. You get super powers and your body hasn't changed, not happening. Additionally, I think you rushed his parents' death by a couple of scenes. So it's not bad stuff at all but some things that you can take not of in your future fics. It's just good criticism, take it or leave it. Totally your choice.
The first chapter was intriguing and done pretty well. Opening up to his parents was something new cause it's all about conceal conceal with superhumans. But this chapter I didn't agree with certain things. The freak out that Will had when he thought he was an alien was a bit over the top. It takes time for things to sink in. And it wasn't a surprise really. You get super powers and your body hasn't changed, not happening. Additionally, I think you rushed his parents' death by a couple of scenes. So it's not bad stuff at all but some things that you can take not of in your future fics. It's just good criticism, take it or leave it. Totally your choice.
3/29/2019 c5 Guest
HELL YES! Thanks for updating this again, can’t wait for wills interactions with the agents of shield cast, also is will eventually going to be able to do a type of advanced mode like in limitless where they access 100% of their brain functions? Also since wills abilities allow him to exert his will upon his surroundings, do you think he could harness and increase his own bio electricity to match Thor? Looking forward to the next update. Please do so soon.
HELL YES! Thanks for updating this again, can’t wait for wills interactions with the agents of shield cast, also is will eventually going to be able to do a type of advanced mode like in limitless where they access 100% of their brain functions? Also since wills abilities allow him to exert his will upon his surroundings, do you think he could harness and increase his own bio electricity to match Thor? Looking forward to the next update. Please do so soon.
3/29/2019 c5
I almost quit when I read your stupid little plot device for him not reading fury and other shield agents minds it's complete plot convenience bullshit.

I almost quit when I read your stupid little plot device for him not reading fury and other shield agents minds it's complete plot convenience bullshit.