Just In
for The Perfect One

2/20/2019 c4 Susanoo23
Waiting for more man, this is absolutely fantastic.
I hope he expands more on his powers like actively training them, tries to get full mental/muscle downloads on other individuals skillsets and just keeps on improving. Personally I think he should get a more technologically advanced suit/armour because while vibranium is amazing, I think he should have a more armor type look (Maybe the prototype armor from the game Crysis)
Look forward to more, and for Dragon of Starling City
2/16/2019 c4 2The Alpha 100
Okay bloody awesome story, however I do think you made him too trusting? The guys was kidnapped, knocked out and locked in cell but he still shared his life story while in cuffs,I get it though he didn't have much of a choice but still and the mind reading he shared with the princes, unnecessary. But I guess these are perks of having a pretty normal and chill childhood . I love the story just found it last night and I'm praying for more updates.. Take him to arrowverse and make him get laid! Lol no time should back there though
2/3/2019 c4 WeeDevil
1/28/2019 c4 Jason Hunter
Please have him save Laurel in Arrow Season 4.
1/19/2019 c4 Blaze1992
Didn't like the alien city/kidnapping thing, also you would think with him being a SHIELD agent his home would have camera's/security.
1/18/2019 c3 Blaze1992
How about you call him manhunter like the Martian from the Justice league/JL:Unlimited, since his powers are mental based and so far he hunts down the worst of the earth?
1/18/2019 c1 Blaze1992
Ehh good but kinda of cliché at least with how his parents died and he joins to avenge them.
1/12/2019 c1 ikhares
One question, why does it say you've written 20 stories but I can only see 5? I'd love to read all of them.
1/7/2019 c4 Guest
This story is awesome. Looking forward to the next update. Also you might want to change the summary a tad, maybe put down a few tags and put in something about your crossovers since they are golden when combined with your OC (who I initially thought would be weak with the bare bones of what brain enhancement could do, but am glad to see you give him boosters and a full spectrum of abilities, well intergrated ones at that). Update soon please :)
1/2/2019 c4 skylargillilan
I hope he gets the surgery soon so he can help coulson when he gets brought back to life
12/31/2018 c4 Guest
Thank you for continuing this story, always looking forward to them, & the little crossovers with this story like Far Cry & now AvP.
Good action & great moments.
Loved the interaction with Crystal (looking forward to Inhuman presence), the friendship with Bobbi (would be nice if she gets some upgrades from Predator tech), EDI, & the AvP fighting.
If the Predators are used again would Will be taken to the hunting planet & end up with the Guardians, the AvP Requiem plot used when he ends up in Arrowverse, or the most recent film & Will updates his armor with the Predator human suit, or with the knowledge does he & Stark make new upgrades?
Looking forward to when the team Assembles.
Could Will end up in Arrowverse from getting caught up in the portal over NY after he took the nuke into space since his mask has air, he could lift nuke, fly on his own, & return as soon as Thor took Loki. Another time could be the Convergence during Dark World & somehow this time it also aligns with Earth 1; or a tumble from the Bifrost like how Thor ended up on Sakaar. Maybe while on assignment after Ultron Will goes through a random wormhole like Hulk did but winds up on E1?
Will's enhanced physiology could lead to extended life/reduced aging, so potentially he could be in Arrowverse longer & the time lines would synch up when he figures out a way to travel back & forth. Also it was revealed Carol's mom, his grandma, is Kree, so the Inhuman gene would've been from his maternal grandpa. The question is could Will have powers similar to Carol that are awakend by the Particle Accelerator or is he able to manipulate cosmic energy as if he was a Sorcerer?
Appearing on E1 Will could show up when the wormhole opens up over Central at the end of the 1st season & he catches Martin Stein. Maybe Ronnie is saved when Firestorm breaks up, but Stein getting old so mechanical genius Jax is chosen with Stein on coms as mentpr filling father role. Some time shifting Will could help Oliver take on Ra's al Ghul. Other points of entry into E1: Speed Force portal Thawne opens the night he kills Nora, Will is born as Oliver Queen with the memories but no powers until Particle Accelerator explodes, he ends up at the Time Bureau makes his escape into the past using their time portal watches ends up on Themyscira & Wonder Woman movie happens.
Will could end up on E38 by being sent to Phantom Zone & he hitches ride with Kara's pod or Fort Rozz. This route he could make Alien Safe Havens or colonize moon. If Edi has no body, maybe take over Indigo's. Become genius, billionaire, philanthropist stationed in National that hires Aliens, contracts for DEO, introduces ICERs (an episode made big deal of DEO level ammunition making way onto streets).
Thank you for confirming Skye (maybe Primagen lets her Vibe like Cisco) & Crystal. If Will could be treated as a Royal than maybe he could make his own Kingdom with the help of other ladies: if Edi x Vision become an item then Wanda would be need someone to show her the ropes of being a young adult in US like Will was doing for Crystal. Bobbi & Will could turn a friends with benefits into an actual relationship proving his point of having a normal life & hers of it not being from outside of work. Kara Danvers' love life was bad for sake of drama, but could work out with Will since both are aliens raised on E, potentially extended lifespans, balance each other in her hope in man with his knowledge of their darkness, & Earth X showed a Kara x Oliver power couple; Lena & Will are alike in that both can make hard choices (especially to help friends/fam), have terrible birth dads, strong mothers, geniuses that want to help the world, but honestly hope for Will x Kara x Lena scene. If Ronnie dies, Caitlin would grieve & since no one seemed to be their for her Will could offer shoulder, then when they go out for fun & drinks she asks for comfort, but nothing physical that first night which makes her like him more. Helena Bertinelli could turn anti-hero with Will's help, he refined her training & helped her with her darkness & she sees him as her light. He meets Lisa Snart in a bar & Will helps her be better & Legend in own way to honor bro. If Will showed up in E1 early he could recruit Marlize Malan to help the world via tech, they become genius couple, & DeVoe can't become Thinker on own, & dies in anti-tech suicide bombing. Will could be Ruby's dad, & Sam's husband.
He could step in as parental figure for Evelyn Sharp, offer support & training so she isn't turned by Prometheus. Maybe Will helps Rory recharge Rags or show him Sorcery.
Always looking forward to next chapter
12/28/2018 c4 Guest
I'm begging you do not discontinue the dragon of starling City or The spectacular Spider-Man or The Crimson Speedster please.
12/28/2018 c4 Guest
I'm begging you do not discontinue the dragon of starling City or The spectacular Spider-Man please.
12/28/2018 c4 Travis moon
I can the next chapter be far cry 5. I would love to see how you do this you know it and you did far cry 3. I don’t know why I just can’t stop thinking about. great How do you just mix those games into the story. Anyway great work hope to see more.
12/27/2018 c4 Jason Hunter
Send him to Arrow Season 4 and have him save Laurel also have him stay there for about a year please.
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