Just In
for The Perfect One

12/27/2018 c4 3kamikage86
I'm really liking this story, it progresses so well, keep it going and continue soon please and also remember your NarutoxMCU story as well.
12/27/2018 c4 6Masso 2010
wow, you updated. I'm not gonna lie I didn't think you would though I'm glad you did. I cannot wait for the avengers stuff to start and when Will finally gets some stuff done in the bedroom. I cannot wait to see what you do next. keep up the good work
12/27/2018 c4 2Justus80
Wow he fought the predators and the queen and won awesome lol also about your discontinuing of some storyes and about losing interest and musing I hope one of them is not the Spider-Man story I love Spider-Man in the Arrowverse and I hope it’s not one of them also I think will is good right now I mean yeah he’s tough but avengers hasn’t happen yet he shouldn’t be too op until he fights thanos you know what I mean? Still great chapter as always man I hope you update your other ones soon. And merry Christmas and have a happy New Years
12/27/2018 c4 skylargillilan
thank you and happy holidays
12/24/2018 c1 rbrooks743
A fellow Vin diesel fan I see
12/22/2018 c3 Jason Hunter
Are we going to see the next chapter for this story any time soon?
12/16/2018 c3 3kamikage86
Call him Hunter, he seems to excel at that, keep up the awesome work.
12/10/2018 c3 Susanoo23
When are you going to update man, you're killing me.
Hope he get more powers/abilites in order to make sure he becomes a legend and a match for higher tier threats in the marvel universe. Maybe even learn some sorcery.
I thought all of his enhancements physically make him on par with Captain America, but you're saying he's just shy of that. I mean come on, He already was born with the genetics of Captain Marvel, then enhanced with the meteor the tattoo, I think he equal or just better. But its your story.
Keep going.
Codename: Deathstroke (This would be amazing, Costume from Superman vs Deathstroke rebirth comic)
Can't wait for more.
11/29/2018 c1 Antianti12
I hope you can finish this story it's one of the greatest I've read.
11/6/2018 c3 Guest
Please continue writing. He'll finally meet daisy!
11/6/2018 c3 skylargillilan
his codename could be interceptor for his ability to get information from people's minds or thief for his ability to take any skills he could need
10/15/2018 c3 Panther-10
Please send Will to the Arrowverse to meet Oliver, please send Will to the Arrowverse to meet Oliver, please send Will to the Arrowverse to meet Oliver, please send Will to the Arrowverse to meet Oliver, please send Will to the Arrowverse to meet Oliver, please send Will to the Arrowverse to meet Oliver, i mean i seen other people's comments saying they want to see Will transported to the Arrowverse people like skylargillilan - You should have him go to the earth 1 of the arrowverse and have people try to deal with the fact that he looks like oliver but very much isn't even though he can probably shoot and fight just as if not better than him. Guest chapter 3 . Aug 14 - Could the Space Gem affect Will and send him to Arrow-verse, and upon return home no time has passed like when Flash travelled to Earth-38?
10/14/2018 c3 Guest
Need more malestrom in westeros
9/18/2018 c3 Panther-10
Please please please please please please find some way for Will to get transported to the Arrow-verse and fight along with Oliver Queen and finally when will we see the next chapter for The Dragon of Starling City, The Fox of Gotham, The Crimson Speedster, and Red Sun: The other Kryptonian?
9/16/2018 c1 skylargillilan
Hunter would be a good codename because a Hunter needs to be able to grow and adapt to any situation and with his powers that is possible.
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