11/6/2018 c3 Guest
Please continue writing. He'll finally meet daisy!
Please continue writing. He'll finally meet daisy!
11/6/2018 c3 skylargillilan
his codename could be interceptor for his ability to get information from people's minds or thief for his ability to take any skills he could need
his codename could be interceptor for his ability to get information from people's minds or thief for his ability to take any skills he could need
10/15/2018 c3 Panther-10
Please send Will to the Arrowverse to meet Oliver, please send Will to the Arrowverse to meet Oliver, please send Will to the Arrowverse to meet Oliver, please send Will to the Arrowverse to meet Oliver, please send Will to the Arrowverse to meet Oliver, please send Will to the Arrowverse to meet Oliver, i mean i seen other people's comments saying they want to see Will transported to the Arrowverse people like skylargillilan - You should have him go to the earth 1 of the arrowverse and have people try to deal with the fact that he looks like oliver but very much isn't even though he can probably shoot and fight just as if not better than him. Guest chapter 3 . Aug 14 - Could the Space Gem affect Will and send him to Arrow-verse, and upon return home no time has passed like when Flash travelled to Earth-38?
Please send Will to the Arrowverse to meet Oliver, please send Will to the Arrowverse to meet Oliver, please send Will to the Arrowverse to meet Oliver, please send Will to the Arrowverse to meet Oliver, please send Will to the Arrowverse to meet Oliver, please send Will to the Arrowverse to meet Oliver, i mean i seen other people's comments saying they want to see Will transported to the Arrowverse people like skylargillilan - You should have him go to the earth 1 of the arrowverse and have people try to deal with the fact that he looks like oliver but very much isn't even though he can probably shoot and fight just as if not better than him. Guest chapter 3 . Aug 14 - Could the Space Gem affect Will and send him to Arrow-verse, and upon return home no time has passed like when Flash travelled to Earth-38?
10/14/2018 c3 Guest
Need more malestrom in westeros
Need more malestrom in westeros
9/18/2018 c3 Panther-10
Please please please please please please find some way for Will to get transported to the Arrow-verse and fight along with Oliver Queen and finally when will we see the next chapter for The Dragon of Starling City, The Fox of Gotham, The Crimson Speedster, and Red Sun: The other Kryptonian?
Please please please please please please find some way for Will to get transported to the Arrow-verse and fight along with Oliver Queen and finally when will we see the next chapter for The Dragon of Starling City, The Fox of Gotham, The Crimson Speedster, and Red Sun: The other Kryptonian?
9/16/2018 c1 skylargillilan
Hunter would be a good codename because a Hunter needs to be able to grow and adapt to any situation and with his powers that is possible.
Hunter would be a good codename because a Hunter needs to be able to grow and adapt to any situation and with his powers that is possible.
9/2/2018 c3
7Masso 2010
dude, this is a damn good story. I was just browsing and I see this that has 3 chapters and 80 THUOSAND WORDS! Damn. This is great, I love this new character and I love the backstory for him, I cannot wait to see what happens next, not to mention who the romance might be.

dude, this is a damn good story. I was just browsing and I see this that has 3 chapters and 80 THUOSAND WORDS! Damn. This is great, I love this new character and I love the backstory for him, I cannot wait to see what happens next, not to mention who the romance might be.
8/13/2018 c3 Guest
Love the action scenes and tasteful use of powers. Lol when droids came up.
Codename: Aegis, shield of Zeus & Athena; Marvel, maybe after learning more of Carol Will would want to honor her in some way.
Are Hoyt’s friends Hydra (sold subjects for experiments or helped in destabilizing world) or The Hand (drugs or maybe found dragon bones under an island populated with komodo dragons)?
If Far Cry 4 (timeline has it as 2 yrs after FC3) happens then SHIELD could send Will to overthrow Pagan Min and est stable govt and during the mission finds another attacking the drug trade, Elektra. She tells Will of the drugs being sent to New York and the profits aiding Madame Gao, one of the founders of the Hand. They fight together, training or healing leads to hot & sweaty romance, and maybe potential harem member. Another opening is Will’s psionic abilities catching attention of Ancient One whom hijacks one of his visions telling him to come to Kamar Taj for training when he knows it’s time. Also the Yeti DLC Elixir could be another experiment of the Kree for Tundra soldiers or even the Jotuns from their war with Odin on Midgard. Bhadra could be a Black Sky and taken by Elektra for training, Will for protection, or both as a family in disguise (Will being adopted might do same).
If Far Cry 5 is done then maybe the Bliss is used by Hydra to brainwash people, or make people rage out (possibly used on Banner, Logan) and Will goes to source to find cure but has to go through the Seed Family and stop future nuclear Armageddon. Maybe Will could lead a joint task force of Inhuman, X-Men, Avengers, SHIELD.
With Will’s increasing telepathic abilities would he be contacted by Charles Xavier, Jean Grey, or Emma Frost?
Does Will find out about Hydra within SHIELD from mind reading papa Garrett?
Could the Space Gem affect Will and send him to Arrow-verse, and upon return home no time has passed like when Flash travelled to Earth-38? Asking because Will is modeled after Steven Amell/Oliver Queen, maybe Kara Danvers romance, saving Laurel Lance/Amanda doppelgänger, and so Captain America can punch Earth-X in the face, ‘Murica! (Just imagined Hurk meeting Steve). For drama Hydra and Earth X team up or Red Skull was sent to E-X.
Thank you for writing, updating, and looking forward to next time.
Love the action scenes and tasteful use of powers. Lol when droids came up.
Codename: Aegis, shield of Zeus & Athena; Marvel, maybe after learning more of Carol Will would want to honor her in some way.
Are Hoyt’s friends Hydra (sold subjects for experiments or helped in destabilizing world) or The Hand (drugs or maybe found dragon bones under an island populated with komodo dragons)?
If Far Cry 4 (timeline has it as 2 yrs after FC3) happens then SHIELD could send Will to overthrow Pagan Min and est stable govt and during the mission finds another attacking the drug trade, Elektra. She tells Will of the drugs being sent to New York and the profits aiding Madame Gao, one of the founders of the Hand. They fight together, training or healing leads to hot & sweaty romance, and maybe potential harem member. Another opening is Will’s psionic abilities catching attention of Ancient One whom hijacks one of his visions telling him to come to Kamar Taj for training when he knows it’s time. Also the Yeti DLC Elixir could be another experiment of the Kree for Tundra soldiers or even the Jotuns from their war with Odin on Midgard. Bhadra could be a Black Sky and taken by Elektra for training, Will for protection, or both as a family in disguise (Will being adopted might do same).
If Far Cry 5 is done then maybe the Bliss is used by Hydra to brainwash people, or make people rage out (possibly used on Banner, Logan) and Will goes to source to find cure but has to go through the Seed Family and stop future nuclear Armageddon. Maybe Will could lead a joint task force of Inhuman, X-Men, Avengers, SHIELD.
With Will’s increasing telepathic abilities would he be contacted by Charles Xavier, Jean Grey, or Emma Frost?
Does Will find out about Hydra within SHIELD from mind reading papa Garrett?
Could the Space Gem affect Will and send him to Arrow-verse, and upon return home no time has passed like when Flash travelled to Earth-38? Asking because Will is modeled after Steven Amell/Oliver Queen, maybe Kara Danvers romance, saving Laurel Lance/Amanda doppelgänger, and so Captain America can punch Earth-X in the face, ‘Murica! (Just imagined Hurk meeting Steve). For drama Hydra and Earth X team up or Red Skull was sent to E-X.
Thank you for writing, updating, and looking forward to next time.
8/11/2018 c3
Wow, so he's the own of Carol Danvers? seems to explain a lot, look forward to him in action in the MCU, but wondered if the be more then one love interest, maybe a small one to be able to manage an open relationship but its your story and how you go from here. Not want to force you but like to see him in the battle of new york and how the government would treat inhuman and mutants during the registration movement.
never much seen Far cry but you did a great job.

Wow, so he's the own of Carol Danvers? seems to explain a lot, look forward to him in action in the MCU, but wondered if the be more then one love interest, maybe a small one to be able to manage an open relationship but its your story and how you go from here. Not want to force you but like to see him in the battle of new york and how the government would treat inhuman and mutants during the registration movement.
never much seen Far cry but you did a great job.
8/10/2018 c3
Great one! Nice job writing this! Hope for some more marvel centric action next chapter. Thanks

Great one! Nice job writing this! Hope for some more marvel centric action next chapter. Thanks
7/10/2018 c2 Chaos Sorcerer
I honestly didn't think this would be so amazing! The way you're setting up the character and giving him trials, doing a great way of setting him up as part of the MCU.
Would Wills emergence spark a reaction from the Inhumans on the moon? So with the Mutants around, does that mean the X-men exist as well? Is Will going to gain more power or is he stuck with the advancing psychic power set? What would happen if he touched an infinity stone, especially the Mind stone? When do we who is biological parents are? So what would Tony and Wills relationship be like? Is Will gonna become an archer while on the island? Wouldn't the Kree be alerted of the awakening of a powerful Inhuman?
If you're looking for more ideas that'd build up Wills reputation then how about some missions from Mission Impossible (Ghost Protocol was my favourite), the crossover with Taken and Far Cry 3 is a great idea, what about stuff from Metal Gear and Splinter Cell? Pairing wise, I was always a fan of Bobbi but I also love Wanda who I think he'd get on with given their similar powers. I can already tell Will and Skye would hit it off while also annoying Ward. Update soon! Take care now, bye bye then.
I honestly didn't think this would be so amazing! The way you're setting up the character and giving him trials, doing a great way of setting him up as part of the MCU.
Would Wills emergence spark a reaction from the Inhumans on the moon? So with the Mutants around, does that mean the X-men exist as well? Is Will going to gain more power or is he stuck with the advancing psychic power set? What would happen if he touched an infinity stone, especially the Mind stone? When do we who is biological parents are? So what would Tony and Wills relationship be like? Is Will gonna become an archer while on the island? Wouldn't the Kree be alerted of the awakening of a powerful Inhuman?
If you're looking for more ideas that'd build up Wills reputation then how about some missions from Mission Impossible (Ghost Protocol was my favourite), the crossover with Taken and Far Cry 3 is a great idea, what about stuff from Metal Gear and Splinter Cell? Pairing wise, I was always a fan of Bobbi but I also love Wanda who I think he'd get on with given their similar powers. I can already tell Will and Skye would hit it off while also annoying Ward. Update soon! Take care now, bye bye then.
7/10/2018 c2 Jason Hunter
Please please please please please please please please please please please please find some way for William to get transported to earth 1 of the arrowverse and have people try to deal with the fact that he looks like oliver but very much isn't even though he can probably shoot and fight just as if not better than him.
Please please please please please please please please please please please please find some way for William to get transported to earth 1 of the arrowverse and have people try to deal with the fact that he looks like oliver but very much isn't even though he can probably shoot and fight just as if not better than him.
6/28/2018 c1 skylargillilan
You should have him go to the earth 1 of the arrowverse and have people try to deal with the fact that he looks like oliver but very much isn't even though he can probably shoot and fight just as if not better than him.
You should have him go to the earth 1 of the arrowverse and have people try to deal with the fact that he looks like oliver but very much isn't even though he can probably shoot and fight just as if not better than him.