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for The Perfect One

6/2/2018 c2 Guest
Another great story, love the little pieces to the later bigger puzzle. Love the crossover of other franchises especially Far Cry 3 (my gateway into the series and favorite of them so far). Favorite was the future vision teasers. According to FC3 wiki the Tatau is sort of a mystic Super Soldier booster, curious if you keep this or its just a tattoo? Would we see the Inhuman royal family later and what their reactions will be to Will and the Primagen? Whatever you decide, looking forward to it and hopefully Will x Daisy/Skye. PS is it single pairing or two to three? Like Crystalia Amaquelin, Wanda Maximoff, Jean Grey (age?), Cuckoo sisters, Lorna Dane, etc...?
5/26/2018 c2 jason5667
Absolutely love it! Haven't really found any male OC AOS stories that I liked, but I love your story so far. Your writing's great, easy to follow, and keeps things moving at a good pace. Your character is interesting and engaging, his powers very cool and progressing nicely. I really hope you keep going with this one cause I think it's amazing, can't wait to read more!
5/18/2018 c1 The Lion's Pride
Good start.
Update it please soon...
5/13/2018 c2 Jason Hunter
Can you have Will's Super Hero costume be the Arrow season 5/Season 6 costume.
5/8/2018 c2 Ashborn2271
Nice though his telekinesis power should have been stronger As he was able to pick up a car 9 months ago so he should at least be able to pick up multiple tanks by now. Hope he takes one of the stones to stop thanos. Your ideas aren’t that original but you’ve matched them up nicley
5/8/2018 c1 kival737101
Hey any chance you'll continue your Naruto\X-Men Evolution story? Or will you just redu it with Rogue with an OC as the OTP?
5/7/2018 c1 DamionStingerDrake
Nice story. If you need a name for Will how about Chronicle? I didn’t know what the meteor was but the original reminds me of the movie chronicle.
5/7/2018 c1 Ashborn2271
Very interesting let’s see what you release next
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