Just In
for The Perfect One

4/6/2024 c2 1Simmonschr
I laughed when you added far cry elements,I figured it out when you brought up armed men Dressed in red on an island
4/6/2024 c21 Starhunter18
love this chapter can't wait for the next update please please update soon
4/6/2024 c20 Arunps
man your story is getting to cringe . can you please stop monolog about will and how good he is for like two minutes
4/5/2024 c21 Leaderdraco
Will the part about helping Logan be in the next chapter?
4/5/2024 c21 blaker316
awesome so when will we start seeing will skye and Krystal becoming something more
4/5/2024 c21 2Darlok
Well done and glad to see we are about to reach the shatter point concerning Sky and Will encountering one of his biological parents. Curious to see what changes there will be due to Will’s presence. Also wonder if we will see if Will might give the other primagen to Sky and what kind of affect it will have on her. If it was powerful enough to allow Will to potentially compete with Black Bolt for leadership of the moon inhumans I wonder how they would respond to another primagen enhanced inhuman connected to Will. Keep up the great work and looking forward to what you got coming next.
4/5/2024 c21 15NinjaFang1331
Excellent work
4/5/2024 c21 REDwolf28
Can wait for the next chapter
4/5/2024 c21 oneoddtodd
thank you for taking your time and writing
4/5/2024 c21 dan.lew.upg
cant wait for more
4/5/2024 c21 LordDarkness89
thanks for the chapter bro. for a second i thought will make a blackhole there
4/5/2024 c21 xXwolfsterXx644
Amazing chapter as usual dude definitely Can't wait for the next update
4/5/2024 c21 fallendemon248
Damn what a chapter I was expecting the academy stuff to just happen in the background but to include will in the end and have him make a mini star, just damn. I wonder how long before he's making black holes in his hands. So I guess ward is worried about will reading minds due to what happens in the future but now he knows who aegis is and who his family is and that might cause issues in the future
4/5/2024 c21 superpierce
great chapter.
4/5/2024 c21 4Okaze
I seriously love this story. Really eager to see what happens next!
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