Just In
for The Last Final Farewell

8/29/2018 c1 30Natalie Rushman
That was actually really sweet. Sad, but cathartic. I feel like Loki would just be happy to know that Thor got to LIVE.
5/18/2018 c1 59MirrorFlower and DarkWind
More treats so many tears
5/10/2018 c1 Nightfall37
This was sad... Bit it was a great story, and I hoped that Marvel didn't kill off Loki, but they did...

5/10/2018 c1 Guest
Ohhh this was painful
But quite well written
5/9/2018 c1 Alice1097
Great story. Seriously, i want to shout and cry out loud in the theater. I still can't accept it. I know this story gonna be sad, it's like I'm torturing myself reading this. Their scene in the beginning of IW made me emotional. And your story.. The way you describe it from Thor pov, it's so sad yet it gave me some relief

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