Just In
for Cleansing the Sins of the Past

12/19/2024 c34 cameron1812
Yeahhhhh! Suck it Gellert, Harry is badass, Neville is a pro, and Emily is back in town!;
12/19/2024 c34 bryank97
This almost feels like an avengers entree and i love it!
12/17/2024 c34 1Vixm
I read entire thing on patreon and it was very underwhelming.
12/17/2024 c34 2BrazeRancor
That was a refreshing conversation between Neville and Harry. Right before the badass battle scene and an even more badass entry by Emily. Well done!
11/1/2024 c33 cameron1812
This is a fantastic moment of life and strife in the conflict and i love how you bring it to us raw through Neville's perspective!
10/31/2024 c33 BrazeRancor
No more fucking around! Time to kick his ass!
10/31/2024 c1 Ginnylove9990
Your story Limpleza De Sabre. Are you going to put back up.
10/31/2024 c33 F13rc3D3ity
Dad is home and he's PISSED.
10/31/2024 c1 Silvia Bartarelli1
please harry katie ?
10/31/2024 c33 reviewer
Looking through comments section I can't help but cringe a bit - but I guess that's expected with how internet is these days...
However, writing this to second the comment made by altunderscore - I don't agree with everything, but I would say that maybe he has the right of it.
10/31/2024 c33 reviewer
Thank you for putting your time and dedication to writing, you're one of the best ff authors out there and I enjoyed your works very much. Limpieza de Sangre was probably best fanfiction story I've read, and it tugged at heartstrings as some of the best examples of cinematography or literature out there.
This one... especially the part that was posted after hiatus, falls a bit flat, at least for me. And I'm not even sure why...

Anyways, thanks for writing and take care
10/6/2024 c32 3Hudy Leak613
Please write the next chapter already. Thank you very much. I really appreciate it and liked it a lot.
10/1/2024 c32 Kingroger
Hey mate, a great chapter but your grammar looks like you rushed it. Quite a few back-to-back sentences with the same information, or weird phrasing.
9/30/2024 c32 2BrazeRancor
Fudge isn't being a total tool? Will wonders never cease! I'm starting to think that Harper is a little too convenient to be someone other than a plant.

Thanks for the chapter!
9/30/2024 c32 cameron1812
Wow. Simply wow.
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