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11/25/2020 c3 Majin Othinus
Update please!
11/13/2020 c3 21KorevainsoLightshire
I can certainly roll with Ren being the actual MC. It's an amusing story but the Ren vs Yang scenes are actually my favourite parts of it so far.
2/6/2020 c3 6Krionik
Here's hoping this gets continued at some point. Ciel is (irrationally) one of my favorite characters, and she's criminally underused in fanfics. Best of luck with writing, assuming that you're still working on the fic!
4/28/2019 c3 Guest
So this story is pretty much abandoned now?
1/22/2019 c3 KinkyAnonymously
Need to find me a good Ren fic where everyone's perpetually arounded by him. I gotta ask tho...when everyone was fucking wet for him was that his semblance or just his raw sexual draw? And as for Ciel and Jaune. I fucking love Jaune. The way you've done him up is actually him if he ever got over White Bread. And Ciel? Genuinely like her and how she's portrayed but still a fan of that sweet Ciel that people usually go for. Anyway I'm loving the story fam keep up the good shit please and thank you
1/22/2019 c3 IROCK108
11/24/2018 c3 18Tarbtano
Excellent stuff so far, and a very original pairing. Looking forward to seeing this progress!
11/19/2018 c3 Guest
Don't tell me you've abandoned this story?
10/11/2018 c3 Guest
How will the dance chapter go now?
9/14/2018 c3 26tailedninja
Nice use of Ren and his semblance!
9/12/2018 c3 Guest
This is a good chapter and an awesome story
9/11/2018 c3 Guest
Awesome! Please continue this story, it’s amazing.
9/12/2018 c3 17Josh Spicer
Not sure how I feel about Pyrrha being irked about Jaune/Ciel as a reader.
9/12/2018 c3 2AxDevilman
This is going to be one of my favorites, I just know it. Good job with Ren, I haven't seen any other fic implementing his semblance to a fight in anyway or form, I believe this is the first time I see is semblance in a fight too.
I'm keeping an eye on this!
9/12/2018 c3 jairoesme
awesome . even though we didn't see much I love the way ciel fights. and yes Ren is the real master mind here
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