Just In
for A New Player In The Force

1/16 c35 Guest
Taren Kraviss? I love it
12/22/2024 c11 Angeloux
I couldn’t remember why I stopped reading this the first time, but now I see it’s cause of the weirdo who says he feels like he’s 28 flirting with 8 year olds. Wtf.
11/11/2024 c38 Zcool
no puede. porque el ya esta jugando el juego jajajajaj
10/14/2024 c1 erlinggomez23
tengo la mala costumbre de dejar las cosas a la mitad, y me quede en la mitad del segundo libro, pero ya casi no recuerdo cosas, asu que releamos un poco
10/4/2024 c42 i.amdizzy2
Bro how dare they , after that Hunt they dare disturb the game?
10/4/2024 c41 i.amdizzy2
Lmfaoo this some deep shit he in.
10/4/2024 c41 i.amdizzy2
Surrounded on all sides…enemies in the shadows…a beast on your heels. But The Last Scion is a beast the universe has never seen .
10/4/2024 c39 i.amdizzy2
Lmfaoo , Dooku like “Man , I didn’t teach him that shit.”
10/4/2024 c38 i.amdizzy2
That Knife game go crazyyy
10/3/2024 c36 i.amdizzy2
10/3/2024 c36 i.amdizzy2
Man show them the brink of death .
10/3/2024 c34 i.amdizzy2
Ok Naz , what a story.
10/3/2024 c34 i.amdizzy2
HA! Like I said , he a different beast with a Knife.
10/3/2024 c33 i.amdizzy2
So this whole time she been rockin out wit no saber? Wtf lmfaooo how have i missed this
10/3/2024 c31 i.amdizzy2
Lil Serra hopefully you the winner.
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