Just In
for Wander

5/6/2020 c1 Oooh
Aaah, this is so cute, I want more Daphne and Ginny stories! :)
4/29/2019 c4 Image Thumbnail
This was beautiful. I’m almost crying. You have a knack for writing and I want more.
10/17/2018 c1 Cosmic Force
I have never cared much for Ginny in the HP stories, but the way you've written you've actually made me start thinking of her as a person with an interesting personality. Well written up the good work.
10/14/2018 c4 byebay
This was absolulely beautiful. You write so damn well, and you pass on the emotions strongly. I legitimately wanted to cry. Thank you for your contribution! Am sort of binge reading all your stories!
10/8/2018 c6 16Theodora Snowbird
I never liked the name Dorcas, but its because I think it sounds like dork (unless I'm pronouncing it wrong in my head?). So I always think to myself, who would name their kid that?

I thought she was about to drop the N-word as I was reading. I was thinking, you wouldn't write it, would you? (I wouldn't care if you did because its the character, not you.) I was thinking a sociopath might do that because they wouldn't care about offending people.

I wonder why Snape even wanted to be in Slytherin. His mom would be pretty hypocritical if she pressured him into wanting to be in it since she left her family for a Muggle. Unless that was why. She regretted marrying a Muggle and started clinging to her old family beliefs. I guess being hypocritical sometimes is part of being human though.

So if she became friends with James, Sirius, and Peter when she got older like Lily did, Lily, Remus, James, Sirius, Peter, and Harry would make six in her support circle. So who would be seven? I picture Harry being number seven making her circle complete, but I can't think of who would be in between.
10/2/2018 c7 cosmicforce
Dudley and Cho pairing - novel idea indeed. The story, in fact, makes you start feeling sorry for Dudley . Loved the positive note on which the story ends .
10/2/2018 c6 cosmicforce
Enjoyed reading the story from Dorcas Meadowes' point of view. The strong sense of jealousy portrayed in the story makes me want to read further as to what happens in their friendship. Will we seeing more of this?
10/2/2018 c6 Guest
That is a beautifully written story. Thoroughly enjoyed it.
10/2/2018 c6 Guest
8/19/2018 c5 Theodora Snowbird
I vaguely remember Green Lantern. At first I was thinking of the Green Hornet with Seth Rogen. (I liked that one better.) I don't know if I picture them getting back together. I was kind of waiting for her to find someone better in this chapter or her finding someone better and that making Cormac realize what he lost. I'm also suspicious of the amulet. Is it like a love potion?
8/12/2018 c4 Theodora Snowbird
:( Sad. I think this is called 2nd POV, if I'm not mistaken. You know, I always found it odd that house elves wanted to be slaves. I guess its brainwashing, in a way. I don't know. I'm surprised JKR never addressed it, but maybe it's just the way the story goes. I wonder if Hermione had to give up on SPEW.

Did you like writing in that style? I don't know if I would. I don't like writing first person. I don't think you've written in first person either, have you?

Did Alice die in the series? I forget. I don't know which is sadder for Neville. When they're alive, you probably always hope that they'll get better.
6/26/2018 c3 Theodora Snowbird
You know, I've only seen parts of Home Alone. The Marauders (I still have to look up how to spell it) would be proud! I like how Snape was still looking up for the other teachers!
6/26/2018 c3 1fifespice
love it
6/26/2018 c3 94d3svelado
this was pretty funny, although now i feel kinda bad for alecto...
...wizards can regrow hair right?
all that aside, i like your idea and execution!
6/21/2018 c2 128The Lady Arturia
This was very intriguing, and the fact that it was inspired by the Ann Mozart conspiracy makes it all the better. Your writing style kept me hooked from beginning to end, and I loved the descriptive words you've used. I thought you also did a great job with handling Victorian English; I was taken straight back to Pride and Prejudice, to be honest.

[just entered] and [right now] mean the same thing in context so it's quite redundant. :)

[...a ever-growing pool...] [a] should be [an].


This was wonderfully written and I was quite disappointed that it ended when it did. Loved it!
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