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for Moving On: Episode TAG - Flame Out

10/20/2018 c1 Minimam
Beautiful and moving x
6/4/2018 c1 1akimakel
what a beautiful story
5/30/2018 c1 70Lady Razorsharp
Sweet and sad and yet hopeful.
5/28/2018 c1 5jojojojo01
That was such a great little story. Loved it
5/28/2018 c1 13Bow Echo
Lovely story. Adore the tought of Sally having a best friend to chew the fat and drink gin with. Someone with whom she has shared the rough and the smooth. Someone who can encourage her to move on through her own experience. Those boys love the bones of her but only with a best friend can she truely open up. Adored her visit to Grant, not asking for permission but to make her peace with someone who she will always love.
Great ficlet ... and in the 'hubba hubba' statement in Flame Out she has allowed herself to start looking. x
5/28/2018 c1 41Math Girl
Go, Sally! You can do it! Although saying from Tracy Island might be tough, unless he's a pilot. Lovely story, Créative Girl. :)

5/28/2018 c1 74JOTRACY123
Aww that was lovely well done xx

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