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for Blackbird

11/9/2022 c1 Cauti0n
4/4/2022 c1 warzonecall
Wow that was some kiss, you should write some more of this couple
9/23/2021 c1 3Argosaxelcaos
I really hope that you come back and expand this one, what with all the Merula romance that's in the game since then
9/22/2021 c1 Guest
I’d like to see a follow up
4/29/2021 c1 COELACANTH
That ending was downright cheeky~!
9/21/2020 c1 8mattgerrard
I love this! I think Merula's a great character and you've written her beautifully, especially her voice. I can picture her saying all of it.
3/6/2020 c1 10Final Pharaoh
Wonderful, simply wonderful!
12/8/2019 c1 Tanabata
Jam City/Portkey Games should have consulted writers like you when it comes to romantic storytelling. Or even better, gave the reigns of development to BioWare - I mean, we’ve all known and perhaps played their Dragon Age, Mass Effect and Star Wars video games...
12/3/2019 c1 5EternalEsper995
I'll echo what someone else said. I think it's a shame it's only a one off, it's super good! I really, really enjoyed it more than i thought possible and the ending has a really nice set up for another part! I really want to see it but i understand uf you don't write it.

Your move, Merula.

I want to see her move!
7/2/2019 c1 Gradyolson19
I always liked Merula and especially after the christmas TLSQ I knew she was a misunderstood tragic character rather than a villain and I absolutly love this one off. Its sweet heartfelt and exactly how ive imagined things going between my own HAM Oc and Merula, now with the first date TLSQ done and the future looking bright I wont lie I hope you revisit this world and write a compainion to this FF well done.
6/18/2019 c1 Guest
Oh god, it’s pretty cute 3
5/3/2019 c1 thomaslwycoff98
Love this! I can't stop reading it!
1/21/2019 c1 2XerxesFett
That's too bad it's a one shot. I think this was very well done and would love to read more. The fact that it's written from a 2nd person perspective, I think, really allows for the reader to (or player if they have the game) to place their character in the story and that makes it all the more immersive. Even if the house doesn't match up, it still makes for a story that many Merula fans (myself included) are sort of desperate for and your story really delivers on an emotional level. I hope to see more excellent work from you.
1/16/2019 c1 3TheOptimisticRover
I usually just roll my eyes at Merula in the game and move on, but this actually gives me a new perspective. It certainly had an emotional effect on me.

This is a great piece and the writing is excellent as usual!
12/31/2018 c1 MyridianStar
Honestly I had this weird need to sympathize with Merula in the game cause that’s how i am. Really awesome story and the way it’s written kept me hooked on!
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